Include passport.initialize() and passport.session() as middleware in Express (e.g. in the app.js use stack)
Here's a sample of Local Strategy code
Here's a sample of Facebook Strategy code
So what happens when the user is authenticated?
You will end up using the OAuth response from the 3rd party site to create a user (or sign in if they've created an account before)
You can then use the response to build a session token, e.g. with cookies
And voilà ... you've leaned on a major corporation for auth services and security responsibility, signed in and/or created the user, and built a session so that they are authorized on your app
Bonus best-practice stuff ... serializing and deserializing user information
Both these functions are middleware on passport
With serializing you filter down their user object via custom parameters to just what you need to initiate routes and identify the user. This occurs when the user is authenticated on your app, and the data is saved in the user's session
When the user makes a new request on your site, you can employ passport.deserializeUser to recover the full user object from your database, or even modify the user object via JavaScript logic if you need to
Why serialize and deserialize session data?
Obfuscate session information that the user simply doesn't need to see!
Now go forth, use Passport, be blameless and lazy 🙌🏻