Sairo as a business was co-founded 3 years ago by James, Will, and Matty.


Born out of COVID, the rise of Zoom, and before Meta's name change, we built Sairo to deal with the digital disconnect between reality and the metaverse.


We believe that human experience has to be at the core of what we build to bridge the gap.


Sairo blends strategy and delivery to develop creative solutions that combine human connection and spatial technology to prepare and build business' towards the next stage of the internet.


About Us

Building the Interactive Future

Who We're Working With

Why We Set

Up Sairo?

What Pushed Us Into The Industry?

What Pushed Us Into The Industry?

Early Days

What Pushed Us Into The Industry?

What Pushed Us Into The Industry?

University & Beyond

3D Scan Archiving and Web Embedding

Working alongside Blackburn Museum and Art Gallery, we have started to create a digital interactive archive. Using high fidelity scanning we are able to capture the unique aspects of an object or artefact to preserve it forever. Over the next few years, museums will start to pivot towards a more online experience and show off their incredible artefacts via the internet.

Monochrome Museum, Blackburn Museum

How We Started

VR - Rising Tides, LMC

Virtual Reality

Rising Tides

We worked with Lancaster & Morecambe College to create a localised educational piece exploring the impact of climate change. For this project, we utilised large-scale photogrammetry models, which we imported into Unreal Engine to design and build weather simulations. We then exported these simulations as a 360-degree video that the students could immerse themselves in.

How Did We Get Into Digital Fashion?

Garment Optimisation

Garment Optimisation

We started to offer garment optimisation from CLO3D to all platforms. As a result, we got our foot in the door of a lot of interesting projects, being able to make sure all garments worked across a range of outputs.

Monnier - Augmented Reality

Monnier x Coach -

AR Experience

We started to offer garment optimisation from CLO3D to all platforms. As a result, we got our foot in the door of a lot of interesting projects, being able to make sure all garments worked across a range of outputs.

MVFW23 - Virtual Store

Monnier x Decentraland

Metaverse Fashion Week

We were honoured to be able to work on the first-ever Metaverse Fashion Week on Decentraland.


In 2022 we optimised garments to be sold within the space for Coach, Ester Manas, and Osoi.

In 2023, we then helped to create a digital space for MVFW, which launched THE FASHION PRIZE FOR WEB3 CREATORS competition.

AR - Stephen Webster & Skydiamond

Augmented Reality

Stephen Webster

Working with Stephen Webster, we created an Augmented Reality experience for the launch event hosted at the HENI gallery for his new earring collection with Sky Diamond.


The collection was based around a show-stopping jewellery piece, a £150,000 pair of earrings modelled after floating space debris. We created a virtual space window opening up into the Stephen Webster universe, where we can see the formation of the earrings happening.

Republqe App

AR Wearables

We spent a lot of time working with Republiqe to create a line of Augmented Reality garments for their app, which they are launching. They are focusing on making it accessible by combining AR and catwalks for customers to enhance their viewing experience.

Whats Next?



The Implications of New AI Technology on the Market with the Introduction of Multimodal and 3D Generative AI

The Younger Generations will age.


They have grown up with incredibly rich experiences. Their expectations will need to be met. 

Power in the small.


Leading thinkers of our time believe that technology even as it currently, enables great success for the small.

What's Next For The Industry?

Consumer Technology.

Computational Power and Cultural Perspective of Mainstream Devices.

Current Eccomnic and Cultural Situation.

Things are moving slow, Bureaucratically, 

Educationally and Technologically.

Whats Holding Us Back?

Whats Holding Us Back?

Offering Business Products That Are a "Need to Have," Not a "Nice to Have"

Have a Good Support Network Because its Hard 

Understand the market. This goes for current cultural and ecconomic perspectives.

It's Good to Give Out Free Work, but Understand Your Limits and Don't Let People Walk Over You 

It's all worth it in the end! Freedom, power, and big personal development.

Build Your Connection Network Now Because It's Key to Growing.

Biggest Lessions

Biggest Lessions

Find people you trust.

Personal Suggestions of who to follow (Ghost Mentors)

Ghost Mentors