Dental Hackathon

Organization Plan

1. Departments

2. Recruit 'hack leaders'

3. Logistics of Event

4. Advertise/Register

6. Event

Departmental Collaboration


  1. Generate interest in the hackathon
  2. Get ideas that could further improve our project
  3. Discover possible sponsors via departments
  4. Build a Comprehensive Package to Capture the Vision of this event

Dr. McDevitt


  1. Tissue Engineering in the next 5 years
  2. Connecting Researchers with patients

Event Contributions:

  1. Leslie Lab (eLabs)
    • Prototype ideas
  2. Been part of 3 start-ups, knows a few people

Dr. Moursi


  1. Increasing Pediatric Specialty numbers
  2. Getting General Dentists to be more comfortable with the peds population

Event Contributions:

  1. Wants to be kept in the loop

Dr. Terracio


  1. Cast a bigger net, include behavior research
  2. Student research group would be good to involve

Event Contributions:

  1. Recommended getting in touch with the Entrepreneurial Group @ NYU
  2. Is very much on board with the idea

Dr. Glickman


  1. Meeting scheduled for Monday

Dr. Wolff


  1. Meeting scheduled for Tuesday

Dr. Bertolami


  1. Meet again after all department chairs to finalize ideas

Capturing the Vision

Animation to illustrate the vision of this event

  • Inspire Innovation
  • Foster Creativity
  • Promote Collaboration
  • Differentiate NYUCD

Hack Leaders


  1. Invite motivated individuals to facilitate in the club recruitment process
  2. Build a team to organize and run this event
  3. Get individuals to market and advertise the event

Recruitment Leaders

  • Representatives from each year
  • Heads of various student clubs
  • Student Affairs office

D2 Leaders


  • Justin McRae - ASDA
  • Steph Colaiacovo - Ortho, Zips
  • Lindsay Deacon - SRG


  • Fadhel Gazala - OMS

Other Years

Student affairs office is on point for this



  • Ross Linker - D3, OMS
  • Ryan Haig - D3

Logistics of this Event


  1. Location, internet required
  2. Time and Date
  3. Materials/Supplies
  4. Inviting speakers, judges and various entrepreneurs
  5. Food and Fun Activities

Advertise and Register


  1. Target Demographic
    • Differential marketing between D-years
  2. Early Advertisement and buildup of excitement
  3. Top-down recruitment of students

The Event


  • Well organized and Fun day
  • Inspire and Motivate students
  • Invent and Innovate 
  • Collaborate and Connect


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