Saj Arora

Dr. Culotta


Combine (one thing) with another so that they become a whole.

D4. Saj
D3. Nicholas

D2. Ester

D1. Koon

Case: Mr. G

A Timeline

June 30, 2015

Initial Patient Visit

Comprehensive Exam: Medical, Dental and Social Hx.

Perio charting and Odontogram

CC: "I want to get my front teeth to get my smile back and feel confident and then get a job."

#9, 10 and 11 lost in a bar accident

#8 was extracted due to trauma and mobility

Medical Hx

  • HTN (Vitals: 142/90, 144/87)
  • Diabetes Type II (HbA1C unknown)
  • Xanax (Specific Anxiety: Related to healthcare)

June 30, 2015

June 30, 2015

July 7, 2015

July 7th, 2015

Patient Medical Management

  • Lisinopril: HTN
    • Orthostatic hypertension
    • Cough
  • Simvastatin: Cholestrol
  • Dapagliflozin: Diabetes (SGLT2 regulator)
    • Syncope and dizziness
    • Hypoglycemic event
  • Xanax: Anxiety
    • Xerostomia/Salivary changes
    • Difficulty getting to appointments

July 7th, 2015

Patient Medical Management


  • 2A (Type II Diabetes) HbA1C was 7.5 post Medical Consult (fair control)
  • Verify HTN and diabetic medications were taken
  • Check Vitals each visit (ideal <150/90)
    • Cut-off 180/110 for elective tx
  • Lower and raise chair slowly
  • Check prescriptions for drug interactions

July 7th, 2015

Comprehensive Treatment Plan

CC: "I want something fixed/permanent"

Pre-Planning: Consults Needed

  • Medical (To establish level of diabetic control)
  • Periodontal: Evaluate bone loss and need for therapy beyond prophylaxis
  • Orthodontics/Prosthodontics:  Pt. has Class III Occlusion and missing #2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 19 and 31

Stage 1: Educate and Clean

  • OHI
  • Full mouth SRP
  • Periodontal Re-evaluation (4-6 weeks post-SRP)

July 7th, 2015

Comprehensive Treatment Plan

Stage 2: Prepare for Teeth

  • Adult Orthodontic Therapy to close spaces
  • Orthognathic surgery to correct Skeletal Class III

Stage 3: Replace Missing Teeth

  • Implants for anterior maxillary teeth with bone and tissue graft (#8, 9, 10 and 11)
  • Single unit implants for #2 (sinus lift needed), #19 and #31
  • Crown Restorations for all implants

Stage 4: Recall and Maintenance (3 month)

July 22, 2015

Comprehensive Treatment Plan 2.0

Stage 1: Educate and Clean

Stage 2: Prepare for Teeth

  • Composite Restoration #7 (MI)
  • Extract mobile teeth/poor retainers for RPD if needed
  • Fabricate Maxillary RPD
  • Single unit implants for #19 and #30

Stage 3: Recall and Maintenance (3 months)

July 10, 2016

Before and After

Thank You

Anatomy of Pancreas


Pancreas: Anatomy

  • Location: Back of Abdomen
  • Connected with the Duodenum
  • Dual Function: Exocrine and Endocrine

Pancreas: Function

Pancreas: Innervation



Pancreas: Glucose Regulation

Pathophysiology of Diabetes


Diabetes: Glucose Regulation

Diabetes: Glucose Regulation

Diabetes: Cellular Level

Counteract Diabetes

Literature Review


Why Bother?

It’s important for us as Medical Professionals to stay up to date with the latest in health care information so that we can provide the best treatment to our patients!

The Big Question

Does non-surgical periodontal therapy (SRP) help improve glycemic (sugar) level control in a diabetic patient with periodontal disease vs having no treatment?

Null Hypothesis

There is no difference in glycemic/metabolic control between patients with Type II Diabetes who receive non-surgical periodontal therapy and patients with Type II Diabetes who do not receive non-surgical periodontal therapy.

The Answer

Periodontal therapy improves metabolic control in patients with Type II DM and Type II DM is a risk factor for periodontal disease

The Evidence


  • Patient/Population:  Type II diabetics with Periodontal Disease
  • Intervention/Exposure: Non-surgical periodontal therapy
  • Control: No treatment
  • Outcome: HbA1C Levels

Li: A Meta-Analysis

Wang: A Meta-Analysis

Judge Nick's Corner

Li's Paper

  • Bias: Low Risk of Bias
  • Methods: Large amount of RCT's with strict parameters


Wang's Paper

  • Bias: Low-moderate Risk of Bias
  • Methods: Small amount of studies analyzed. Repeatedly mentioned this limitation.


  • Li, Quan, Sha Hao, Jie Fang, Jing Xie, Xiang-Hui Kong, and Jian-Xin Yang. "Effect of Non-surgical Periodontal Treatment on Glycemic Control of Patients with Diabetes: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials." Trials (2015): 1-8. Web.

  • Wang, Tze-Fang, I-An Jen, Chyuan Chou, and Yen-Ping Lei. "Effects of Periodontal Therapy on Metabolic Control in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Periodontal Disease A Meta-Analysis." Medicine (Baltimore) 93.28 (2014): n. pag. Web. 

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