Secure File Transfer in Peer to Peer Network

  • Saksham (13114049)
  • Priyanka Jain (13114039)
  • Rahul Agarwal (13114041)
  • Rishabh Bansal (13114045)
  • Veena Rani Meena (13114070)

Need of Security in File Transfer

Preventing Unwanted Users from Accessing Files

Flow Chart 


Peer A

Peer B


  1. Peer A sends a query to the central server for a file. Here, the central server stores the list of all files along  with the IP address of the peers containing the file.


Peer A

Peer B


2. Server searches the queried file and return the IP address of the peer B which contains the required file.  


Peer A

Peer B

3. Peer A generates public and private key using RSA algorithm.



Peer A

Peer B

4. Peer  A then sends the File Request & public key to Peer C and keep the private key with itself.


Peer A

Peer B

5. Peer B encrypt the required file by using A’s public key.



Peer A

Peer B

6. B sends the encrypted file to A


Peer A

Peer B

7. Since A has the private key, hence it will decrypt the file using it’s private key.


Areas of Use

  • In most of file sharing systems, Files are going to be encrypted at a server side and public and private keys are forwarded to the client
  • Since Both keys are sent into the network, there are possibility of snooping of keys.
  • In our system we are creating keys at Client side and send only public key and since private key never gets into Network so chances of someone other than client of decrypting are very slim.
  • So our Project can be used in every area where we implement secure file transfer
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