
Bun is a fast JavaScript ...

{What is bun?}

Bun is a JavaScript runtime, package manager, test runner bundler built from scratch using the Zig programming language. It was designed by Jarred Sumner as a drop-in replacement for Node. js


Bun makes Node.js tools including node, npx, nodemon, and dotenv or cross-env unnecessary

  • A JavaScript transpiler is baked into the runtime, for running JavaScript, TypeScript, and JSX/TSX files, with no dependencies.
  • Bun is faster than npm, yarn, and pnpm

Other features of Bun:


Bun is a test runner that makes the rest

look like test walkers.

{Demo Time}

Let's see the diffirence

{V8 vs bun}

Instead of relying on the V8 engine, Bun utilizes the JavaScriptCore from WebKit, which is widely recognized for its superior performance. By leveraging this core engine, Bun benefits from its optimized execution of JavaScript code, resulting in improved runtime speed

Bun runs on the JavaScript Core Engine


Shall we introduce this to our codebase?

Bun is stable and production-ready as of 8th of September 2023

Simple answer - Probably not right now

However ...



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