Flex - Day2


  • Communicating with Server
  • Value objects
  • Data binding
  • Data structures

1. Communicating with server


We use HTTPSERVICE in Flex applications to communicate with server using .

1. Request:

 You have to send a request  GET / POST (Default is GET) parameter to use : method


2. send () :

When you wish to retrieve data from server, you must send a request for that data.


            method = "POST"
    var params:Object = new Object();
    params['name'] = "Girish";

    protected function sampleRequestFaultHandler(event:FaultEvent):void
	Alert.show("Service Failed");
    protected function sampleRequestResultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
	var rawResult:XML = XML(event.result);
	Alert.show("Result : "+rawResult);


After a HTTPSERVICE is sent , Result event is dispatched when the request is success or Fault event is dispatched when request failed.

How to access data from Result event 

    protected function sampleRequestResultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
	var rawResult:XML = XML(event.result);
	Alert.show("Result : "+rawResult);
var rawResult:XML = XML(sampleRequest.lastResult);
Alert.show("Result : "+rawResult);

Not used often - confusing and clumsy.

Method 2:

Method 1:

The returned data is available in the result property of the event.  you can access it by event.result

 Fault event 

protected function sampleRequestFaultHandler(event:FaultEvent):void
	var faultMessage : String = String(event.message);
	Alert.show("Message : "+faultMessage );

Fault event is dispatched when there is a failure in connection level, server level or application level while returning the result. 

How do we store the data received from Back-end?

package valueObjects
    public class Sports
   	 public var sportsName:String;
   	 public var numOfPlayers:Number;
   	 public function Sports(name:String,players:Number)
   		 this.sportsName = name;
   		 this.numOfPlayers = players;
var football:Sports = new Sports("Football",11);
var cricket:Sports = new Sports("Cricket",11);

ValueObjects are used to store and retrieve data. 
ValueObjects are typed objects with some properties.

var football:Sports = new Sports("Football",11);
var cricket:Sports = new Sports("Cricket",11);

<s:HGroup width="100%" height="100%" verticalAlign="center" horizontalAlign="middle">
    <s:Label text="{football.sportsName}"/>
    <s:Label text="{football.numOfPlayers}"/>
<s:HGroup width="100%" height="100%" verticalAlign="center" horizontalAlign="middle">
    <s:Label text="{cricket.sportsName}"/>
    <s:Label text="{cricket.numOfPlayers}"/>

football = new Sports("Tennis",2);
cricket = new Sports("Hockey",11);
package valueObjects
    public class Sports
   	 public var sportsName:String;
   	 public var numOfPlayers:Number;
   	 public function Sports(name:String,players:Number)
   		 this.sportsName = name;
   		 this.numOfPlayers = players;

Data binding

Flex enables data binding on complex objects by manipulating the source code during compilation to allow objects to dispatch events.


Arrays cannot be used in data binding directly, as they cannot dispatch events that cause the user interface to update.


Array is fortunate to have two distinct proxies available which can dispatch events, the ArrayList and the ArrayCollection.


var sportsAC : ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();


var sportsAL : Array = new ArrayList();



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