Intro to New Relic

What is New Relic ?

What all can it monitor for us?

How new relic does it ? 

Parts of new relic

  • APM
  • Browsers
  • Servers
  • Alerts

Metrics to worry about

  • APM
    • Apdex score
    • Error percentage
    • Response time (web)
    • Response time (background)
    • Throughput (Web)
    • Throughput (background)

Metrics to worry about

  • Browsers
    • End user Apdex
    • Total page load
    • Network latency 
    • Dom processing 
    • Page rendering 
    • Request queuing
    • JS error percentage

Metrics to worry about

  • Servers
    • CPU %
    • Disk %
    • Memory %
    • Average Load 
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