How Mattermark uses Machine Learning
What is Machine Learning?
Machine learning is a computer's way of learning from examples
Machine Learning Usage
Spam Filtering
Search Engines
Movie Recommendations
Speech Recognition
Medical Diagnosis
How does Mattermark use Machine Learning?
Industry Tagging
News Article subject attribution
Similar Companies
News Fact Extraction
Semantic Search
Industry Tagging
News Attribution
Customers want to keep track of news of the companies that the follow
Mattermark crawls over a hundred sources of news daily
Finding what company (if any) is the subject of a news article is challenging, since it could be one of 500k
News Fact Extraction
When you read an article from TechCrunch about a company raising a Series A round, you absorb the knowledge
We will do it automatically for 1000s of articles a day
Similar Companies
Customers want easy access to comparable companies
But 1M companies means there are 1 trillion potential relationships
Impossible to do this manually, and difficult even to compare automatically
Currently have ~300k companies with similar companies
What will Mattemark use ML for in the near-future?
Emerging Industries
Build a model that keeps track of new companies whose descriptions don't seem to fit in our current industry taxonomy
When a set of these companies cluster together with a critical mass, we can then have a human look at it and name the industry
Funding Prediction
Customers would love to know which companies are going to be raising money in the next 6 months
VCs/Investors want to a heads up for hot new deals
Biz Dev clients want to know who to start building a relationship with
Given all the historical data we have now (going back about a year), we can use that as training data very soon
Graph Search like querying
Like Siri, but for business!
Users should be able to type the question:
"Companies in the Bay Area in the E-Commerce Industry with more than $10M in funding"
This will be particularly useful for Mobile clients
Why is this important?
Machine Learning allows us to do things that would be near-impossible for humans to do
Machine Learning allows us to scalably do things that would take forever for humans to do
This gives us a competitive advantage
Many of our competitors use data analysts instead
We can do more with fewer people
Who's doing ML at Mattermark?
We need more people! Refer anyone that you know that does Data Science/ML
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