NewBot Framework

The Javascript framework for developing chatbots

The current problem

How to have a universal code?

How to make your skills modular?

How to do unit tests?

Compatible on 15 platforms


import code from './main.converse'

export default {

JavaScript code

       Represents skill options

start() {
    > Hello

A conversational script

       Represents dialogs between user and bot

Why a conversational script?


  1. Easy and quick to write
  2. Common writing for all platforms
  3. Script executed by user
  4. Save user progress

Start a new project


start() {
    @Format('image', '')
    > Hello

Add rich content

     Image, video, quick responses, carrousel, buttons, etc.

$name = ''

start() {
    > Quel est ton nom ?
    $name = :text
    > Bonjour { $name }


     And save the response in a global variable

Add a natural language understanding system

@Intent('booking', [
    'Réserver un logement pour demain',
    'Je veux une chambre'
booking() {
    > Ok, je cherche des logements

Trigger an intention

@Intent('booking', [
    'Book accommodation for tomorrow',
    'I want a room'
booking() {
    > Ok, I'm looking for accommodation for { }

Retrieve entities


newbot build

Generate code for NodeJS and the browser

NewBot Cloud

Why deploy to NewBot Cloud ?


  1. Serverless
  2. Train the chatbot
  3. Quickly connect across multiple platforms



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