'yo, grunting in a bower!'

... or how I learned to  stop worrying, 
start  flying,
develop with flow,
and publish my tested front-end code

Samuli Ulmanen
(Full Stack guy playing ) Web Developer 
Rovio Entertainment Ltd.

Yo - the flying start

 empty directory

why yo?

  • prerequisite is to know js 
  • simple to write 
  • get to the flying start you want
  • if you don't need the details right now but want to lint, concat, minify, test, gzip, spritesheet, less || sass || stylus, coffee, jasmine, spritesheets ... you get the idea.

Yo - project scaffolding

  • package your build
  • publish  for all to use
  • evolve as you go on
  • bring the focus to code not process

how, yo?

> sudo npm install -g yo 
> mkdir my-project && cd my-project
> yo angular 

Yo my generator

  • npm install generator-generator
  • npm search generator-my-generator  
  • start w/ generator-generator
  • write and test code
  • npm publish

 > mkdir generator-fabulous && cd generator-fabulous && yo generator

yo what is this I don't even ...

Tale of a generator

easy way to separating an angular module 
from your code

So now we're FLying?

... enter 

Why on earth?

You reap what you sow and ...

There are practical little things in housekeeping that no man really understands 
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Any grunters in the house ?

HI there

one of many Task runners


this one has 
a wide ecosystem
api and scaffolding for your tasks

Get set up

grunt >= 0.4 
> sudo npm install -g grunt-cli> cd my_project && npm install grunt --save-dev

...with CI server

> npm install grunt-cli && grunt --save-dev

Favorite grunt tasks?

some of mine

  • grunt-contrib-watch
  • grunt-usemin
  • grunt-bower-task
  • grunt-angular-prangler


 watch: {
            options: {
                atBegin: true,
                livereload: true
            app: {
                files: ['app/**/*', 'Gruntfile.js'],
                tasks: ['short']
  • keep tasks short and fast
  • install livereload extension


 useminPrepare: {            html: 'tmp/index.html'
 usemin: {
            html: ['tmp/*.html'],
            css: ['tmp/app/css/vendor/**/*.css'],
            options: {
                dirs: ['tmp']
  • prepare 
    • scan index.html for entries
    • auto-configure tasks
  • usemin 
    • replace link to optimized file in index.html
  • copy files to staging before running this y'all

... there's never enough time

 > npm install time-grunt --save-dev

 module.exports = function(grunt) {
    // dont need no time plugin on CI server
    if (!CI_SERVER) {


  1. concise globbing
  2. load task deps when task is run

concise globbing

  • configure task file globbing so it's as concise as possible
  • fastest performance listing every file by hand

load deps JIT

 was doing ...
 require('load-grunt-tasks')(grunt, ['grunt-!(cli)']);

am doing ...
 grunt.registerTask('short', [], function() {
        grunt.task.run('clean:all', 'stylus', 'lint-short', 'prangler', 'copy:stage', 'copy:main');


v0.5 node-task


What if I wanna use make?

... go for it!
... but know what you're missing out on.

e.g. AngularJS just switched from rake 
to grunt.js to 
attract more developers

Ok, so I wanna publish my code



  • not to mix front and backend deps
  • web has much freedom so be flexible
  • everyone doesn't use common-js modules, (browserify if you want to but that's another story )

GEt started

 > bower init


  "name": "stats",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "authors": [
    "Samuli Ulmanen <samuli.ulmanen@rovio.com>"
  "private": true,
  "description": "Stats",
  "main": "stats.js",
  "keywords": [
  "license": "All rights reserved",
  "dependencies": {
    "lodash": "2.4.0",
    "angular": "1.2.5",
    "angular-resource": "1.2.5",
    "angular-route": "1.2.5",
    "jquery": "2.0.3",
    "momentjs": "2.1.0",
    "bootstrap-javascript": "2.3.2",
  "devDependencies":  {
    "angular-mocks": "1.2.5",
    "angular-scenario": "1.2.5"

bower install 

pull in the whale

 > bower install


 "scripts": {
    "postinstall": "./node_modules/.bin/bower install"
  } thnx @quinnirill

main in bower.json

  > bower list --paths
  "angular-mocks": "bower_components/angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js",
  "angular-resource": "bower_components/angular-resource/angular-resource.js",
  "angular-route": "bower_components/angular-route/angular-route.js",
  "angular-scenario": "bower_components/angular-scenario/angular-scenario.js",
  "angular": "bower_components/angular/angular.js",
  "bootstrap-javascript": "bower_components/bootstrap-javascript/bootstrap.js",
  "lodash": "bower_components/lodash/dist/lodash.compat.js",
  "momentjs": "bower_components/momentjs/moment.js",
  "prettycron-scheduler-fork": "bower_components/prettycron-scheduler-fork/prettycron.js",
  "node-cron-sulmanen-fork": "bower_components/node-cron-sulmanen-fork/lib/cron.js",
  "jquery": "bower_components/jquery/jquery.js",
  "later": "bower_components/later/later.js"


  • make sure the file you want to include is in the list
  • if not, fork and make your own bower.json or wait

grunt bower task

 src: {
                options: {
                    targetDir: './app/js/vendor',
                    // this will strip component name
                    layout: 'byType',                    install: false,
                    verbose: false,
                    cleanTargetDir: true,
                    cleanBowerDir: false,
                    bowerOptions: {
                        production: true

What to do with code 

you can't publish

  • use internal registry

 > npm install bower-registry


  "directory": "bower_components",
  "json": "bower.json",
  "registry": {
    "register": "http://hawk:8888",
    "search": [


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