Have you ever lived a love story with a brand?
The one that takes your heart away makes you do everything for the beloved brand, admire everything that marketing does, defend it against everything and everyone. That is what happens when consumers fall in love with a love brand. That is the way we call brands that transcend their commercial role. They become part of the life and personality of the consumers who identify themselves with what brands are and what they do. They no longer make rational choices for either product. A love story, after all, has little rationality, doesn't it?
Source: rockcontent.com
Source: adweek.com
* Think of 3 love brands that make your heart go crazy
& introduce yourself
* Choose your favorite / work in groups of two
* Choose one top topical
one love brand + one top topical (just one!!!)
outcome = object + slogan (3 different ideas)
3. @HOME
Make a picture of one object on a neutral background
(3 ideas = 3 pictures from one brand for one top topical)
14/10 B1 | 16/10 B2
21/10 A1 | 23/10 A2
1. Present your concepts to the group
2. Put your picture in Photoshop
(template Instagram on Canvas)
2. Put your slogan in Photoshop in the text area
3. Use 3x #TopTopical #yourtopical #extra
4. Upload finished project on Canvas
DEADLINE = Monday 04/11 at midnight