Enlargement of the prostate gland becomes a common problem in men after the age of 40. The disorder causes a problem in urination. In this case, the treatment of this problem can be possible without doing surgery in Ayurveda. Come and know about the causes, symptoms and other great information about the disease
The prostate is a type of gland in the human body. In men, it is located below the bladder, next to the rectum and around the urinary tract. Increased size of this gland is a normal process with progressing age. The general weight of the prostate organ is 7 to 18 grams.
The prostate is a type of gland in the human body. In men, it is located below the bladder, next to the rectum and around the urinary tract. Increased size of this gland is a normal process with progressing age. The general weight of the prostate organ is 7 to 18 grams.
The common symptoms of prostate disorders include difficulties in urination, frequent desire to urinate, failure to empty the urinary bladder, gland swelling and urine flow in drops.
In enlarged prostate and kidney-related disorders, night becomes more troublesome and, the patient gets exhausted with frequent urination urge. If the problem increases and not monitored on time, the swelling gland can stop urination, causing even more damages.
Individuals repeatedly ignoring symptoms and, not taking timely treatment increases the risk of prostate cancer and kidney infection in the future. In such a situation, one should keep an eye on his urination pattern after the age of 40 to 50.
Boil 5 grams of Gokhru [1] (Tribulus terrestris) and 10 grams of the bark of Kanchanar(Bauhinia variegata) in two glasses of water. Keep boiling the potion till the combination amount becomes one-fourth of its original volume. In the end, filter the remedial liquid and let it cool down. Consume this ancient ayurvedic cure two times a day.
If you can not make a remedial potion of Kanchanar and Gokhru herbs then you can buy Chandraprabha Vati and Vriddhivadhika Vati Tablets which are commercially available in the market. You need to take 2 tablets of Chandraprabha Vati and Vriddhivadhika Vati daily. These herbal tablets drastically reduce the size of the inflamed prostate gland.
If you can not make a remedial potion of Kanchanar and Gokhru herbs then you can buy Chandraprabha Vati [2] and Vriddhivadhika Vati Tablets which are commercially available in the market. You need to take 2 tablets of Chandraprabha Vati and Vriddhivadhika Vati daily which drastically decrease the size of the inflamed prostate gland and, reduces the risk of kidney falure.
Together with the cow urine the extracts of Varuna (Crataeva nurvala), Punarnava(Boerhaavia diffusa), Makoi(Solanum nigrum) and Kanchanar(Bauhinia variegata) is an accepted ayurvedic treatment extract for problems related to frequent urge to pee and kidney infections and, enlarged prostate.
The yoga asanas beneficial for enlarged prostate and kidney disorders are Kapalbhati, Gomukhasana, Siddhasana and Moolabandhasan. The yoga asanas are highly effective when the problem is in its early stage or as a preventive measure to delay the occurrence in genetic onset.