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(a b c)
{p => q, r => s}
{}[p => q]
a \in b
check single
(a) \in {(a) => (b)} == true
(a) \in (a b) == true
(a b c)' == (a)
(a b c)'' == (b c)
(a)? == true
{a => b}/(a) == (b)
(a) \in {} == false
(a) \in (b c) == false
(a)' == (a)
(a)'' == ()
()' == ()
()'' == ()
(a b)? == false
()? == false
{a => b}/(c) == (c)
unify a b == s
unify a b == fail
.:. s/a == s/b
.:. ~E s | s/a == s/b
unify (a) (a) == {}
unify (a) (b) == {a => b}
unify (a a) (a) == fail
unify (a) (b b) == {a => b b}
Syntactic Unification
unify (x y) (y x) == fail
Present in algorithm in several popular textbooks including Norvig's (twice) and SICP
Caused by failing to dereference bindings
unify (x y) (y x) == {(x) => (y)}
{x => y}/(x y) == (y y)
{x => y}/(y x) == (y y)
unify p q s =
p == q -> s
p? -> variable p q s
q? -> variable q p s
_ -> unify p'' q'' (unify p' q' s)
variable a p s =
a \in s -> unify s[a] p s
a \in s[p] -> fail
_ -> s[a => p]
unify p q s =
p == q -> s
p? -> variable p q s
q? -> variable q p s
_ -> unify p'' q'' (unify p' q' s)
variable a p s =
a \in s -> unify s[a] p s
p \in s -> unify a s[p] s
a \in s[p] -> fail
_ -> s[a => p]
unify (y) (x) (unify (x) (y) {})
by _ -> unify p'' q'' (unify p' q' s)
as unify (y) (x) (unify (y) (x))
unify (y) (x) {x => y}
by p? -> variable p q s
as (y)? -> variable (y) (x) {}
by _ -> s[a => p]
as _ -> {}[y => x]
by a \in s[p] -> fail
as (y) \in {x => y}[x] -> fail
Error 😱
unify (y) (y) {x => y}
by p \in s -> unify a s[p] s
as (x) \in {x => y} -> unify (y) {x => y}[x] {x => y}
{(x) => (y)}
by p == q -> s
as (y) == (y) -> {x => y}
Correct 😇
Functional Programming advocates have claimed that assignment (to a variable or data structure) is dangerous because it violates referential transparency. Curiously, this note shows that for unification, the functional approach is error-prone, while the procedural, state-modification approach tends to lead to a correct solution.
They all failed to either test the resulting code sufficiently or attempt even an informal proof of correctness. Either approach could have uncovered the bug that has remained hidden until now.
A proof of correctness for unification in Athena
in my talk "Athena: An Educational Language For Proofs In Computer Science"
to be delivered in Boulder June 4th 2018 and put online... someday 🙃
Fundamental Proof Methods in Computer Science