Example Angular Usage and Overview of Compiler Implementation
You need to model a UI element where the User can not make a selection, select a specific object, or select "all objects".
Then you need to take an action based on what the User has done. What if you miss a case?
interface NoneSelected {kind: "NoneSelected"};
interface AllSelected {kind: "AllSelected"};
interface ObjectSelected {kind: "ObjectSelected", object: Object};
type Selection = NoneSelected | AllSelected | ObjectSelected;
let none: Selection = {kind: "NoneSelected"};
let all: Selection = {kind: "AllSelected"};
let object: Selection = {kind: "ObjectSelected", object: object};
switch(this.selection.kind) {
case "NoneSelected": return "maroon";
case "AllSelected": return "teal";
case "ObjectSelected": return this.selection.object.color;
default: impossible(this.selection);
function impossible(x: never): never { throw new Error(); };
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Create AST of switch syntax
Store switch flow constraints by binding over the AST
Check switch's flow constraints against its consumer's and components' flow constraints
interface SwitchStatement extends Statement {
kind: SyntaxKind.SwitchStatement;
expression: Expression;
caseBlock: CaseBlock;
interface CaseBlock extends Node {
kind: SyntaxKind.CaseBlock;
parent?: SwitchStatement;
clauses: NodeArray<CaseOrDefaultClause>;
interface CaseClause extends Node {
kind: SyntaxKind.CaseClause;
parent?: CaseBlock;
expression: Expression;
statements: NodeArray<Statement>;
interface DefaultClause extends Node {
kind: SyntaxKind.DefaultClause;
parent?: CaseBlock;
statements: NodeArray<Statement>;
The original implementation in the TypeScript compiler was syntax directed, following the shape of the AST. This means for example, that a node (which should be a type guard of some kind) in the AST can only narrow the type of its children.
Setting a type to a more specific type than its declared type is called narrowing or refining.
Refining types using type guards in TypeScript |
The control flow graph can be implemented by giving each node of the AST an adjacency list containing the prior nodes in the control flow.
type FlowNode = ... | FlowSwitchClause | ...;
interface FlowSwitchClause extends FlowNodeBase {
switchStatement: SwitchStatement;
antecedent: FlowNode;
The compiler performs a bind step in a single pass over the AST setting the scopes of all variables, and reporting errors for unreachable code.
To avoid confusion, a node from the AST is called a node and a node from the control flow graph a flow node.
function checkApplicableSignature(
node: CallLikeExpression,
args: ReadonlyArray<Expression>,
signature: Signature
) {
const thisType = getThisTypeOfSignature(signature);
if (thisType && thisType !== voidType && node.kind !== SyntaxKind.NewExpression) {}
const headMessage = Diagnostics.Argument_of_type_0_is_not_assignable_to_parameter_of_type_1;
const argCount = getEffectiveArgumentCount(node, args, signature);
for (let i = 0; i < argCount; i++) {}
"Argument of type '{0}' is not assignable to parameter of type '{1}'."