By Turbines & Co.

What we'd like to produce and where...

Our company would like to go worldwide as well as in the UK, selling and producing wind power from our turbines.

We are aiming to have customers and branches all over the globe as renewable and sustainable energy is becoming more important because of our fossil fuels 

 running lowWe will be able to produce a lot of clean energy that can be sold and will be a developing business that could potentially revolutionize the way we get our energy in the future. Energy will be in high demand unless we take action and protect our atmosphere and the environment.

What are the benefits of wind turbines?

  • It is very safe
  • It could provide jobs to people and residents nearby (if any)
  • It could produce huge amounts of the worlds energy
  • It will decrease carbon dioxide as we can use it instead of burning fossil fuels.
  • It only takes up a small plot of land.
  • Wind turbines come in a range of different sizes so they can be put almost anywhere.
  • As it is most windy in winter, we can provide the most energy at the coldest time of the year.

What are the negatives...?

  • They are quite noisy
  • Some people might not like them as they think it will ruin their view.
  • Wind won't be there all the time so sometimes the turbines will be still.

How would we solve these problems?

Pretty much all these problems can be solved in one decision. We can place the turbine/s in a remote area, with a sparse or no population. That way no one will hear them and we will not be ruining anyone's view from their home.

However, we understand that the wind will not be there all day, every day of the week, so we will put it on the highest plot of land so that it can pick up even small amounts of wind and be turning the turbines most of the time.

Thank you for listening :)

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