PHPSpec is a development tool, designed to help you achieve clean and working PHP code by using a technique derived from test-first development called (spec) behaviour driven development, or SpecBDD.
The process of restructuring existing code without changing external behavior.
The difference is the language!
$this->assertEquals(0, $result); // PHPUnit
$result->shoulBe(0); // PHPSpec
$this->getTitle()->shouldBeEqualTo("Star Wars");
$this->shouldThrow('\InvalidArgumentException')->during('setRating', array(-3));
$this->shouldThrow(new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid rating"))->during('setRating', array(-3));
class MovieSpec extends ObjectBehavior
function it_should_have_some_specific_options_by_default()
public function getMatchers()
return [
'haveKey' => function($subject, $key) {
return array_key_exists($key, $subject);
'haveValue' => function($subject, $value) {
return in_array($value, $subject);
->convert(80, 'USD')
->convert(80, 'USD')
* This file is part of the PHP Summer Camp workshop.
* @author PHPSpec developers
namespace %namespace%;
class %name%
- Cjm\PhpSpec\Extension\TypeHintedMethodsExtension