Relaunch Review #1
The group module and complex customization
The old consists of ~180 "sub webs"
Only members can edit and translate content and media
Different languages per sub-web
Different publishing workflows
Each sub-web has admins
Different navigation per sub-web
Content snippets per sub-web (e.g. sidebar)
Unpublished content and sub-webs only accessible to editors
Group module
At the center are groups
Other entities are connected through relationship entities
Supported by default: Nodes, Users (with roles & permissions)
Separate module/patch: Media
Own integration: Paragraph library items
Influenced by Sub-Web/Group
Multilingual customization
Default: Groups can be translated
Custom: Fields for default language and allowed languages
Custom: Translate UI completely hidden for single-language groups, filtered when more than one
Various patches for core and group necessary
Drupal core multilingual patches
#2972308: Allow users to translate content they can edit
#2978048: Unpublished translations should fallback to the original language
#2971390: Disallow users to change content translation uid metadata field
#2155787: Introduce more flexible access control for content translation operations
#3002571: Multiple warning messages when having untranslatable fields
#3007288: LanguageNegotiationUserAdmin requires 'access administration pages' which is too strict
#2877994: Entity Links fields does not have translation support
Group patches
#3030187: Node translations accessible for anonymous users
#2984315: Media enabler
Alias & Breadcrumb
Pathauto: /[node:group:fie....]/[node:prim...]
New content is saved twice, prevent alias + redirect without group with custom alter hook
Special case for "home page" per group
Breadcrumb represents group hierarchy
Requires patch for group tokens:
#2774827: Group tokens
Navigation & Operations
Each Group has a referenced menu
Custom menu block that fetches the menu from group, with fallback
Members only: Custom operations block, with actions to create content and go to group overview/content list
Creating content
Always happens in the context of a group
Editors can not create global content
Limited language selection and default
Default language and group assignment also applied to media (created through entity browser)
And paragraph library items
Filters in entity browser to groups accessible to user
Primer: Placing article/node lists with list paragraph type (block_field)
Primer: Controllable exposed filters and default values
Custom: Active Group filter, only show articles of current Group
With option to include articles from other Groups
Challenge: Ajax requests for filters & paging
Various views limitations & bugs:
#2823541, #2866386
PSI provides SAML 2.0 IdP
Integrated with SimpleSamlPHP
Groups are not 1:1 match to organization structure:
Each user is assigned to an organization unit number (e.g. 3102)
Each group has N numbers assigned, with wildcard support: 3***
Users are assigned to groups based on matching numbers
Users become Sub-Web Admins through a role managed in LDAP/ActiveDirectory
Performance is challenging
node access/grants, especially with users that are in many groups
New content needs to be saved twice
Data model is a bit overkill for our (current) use cases
content is only a single group (exception: users)
no relationship fields
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