with Kinect v2
in browser

The Kinect v2

is the updated, improved version of the Kinect v1

and it was developed especially for developers

+ improved camera (full HD)

+ improved body tracking

+ higher depth fidelity

The problem

it can be used only on Windows 8 (officially)


you need a USB3 port


the official SDK is only available in C#


The tech solution

WebSocket - client side

var host = '',
    channel = 'kinectdata',
    port = 8181, ws,
    wsImpl = window.WebSocket || window.MozWebSocket;


    function initConnection() {
	ws = new wsImpl('ws://' + host + ':' + port + '/' + channel);

    function initSocketBindings() {        
        ws.onmessage = function (evt) {
            var data = JSON.parse(evt.data);

The tech solution

WebSocket - server side (ok, it's not UID)

+ simple, C# Windows application

+ easy to use the Kinect v2 SDK

+ access all the streams, raw data

+ send it through socket

Websocket support

Use your creativity

+ play around with the body parts, joints!

+ use the depth stream, infrared stream

+ do all the magic & fun in simple canvas or WebGL


Thank you!


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