Our Completed Circuit
5 Wires (All sizes, COLOR DOESN'T MATTER)
1 X Piezzo Buzzer
The one with the sticker on it, if no sticker, it has CLDZ on it
Step 3: Attach our Buzzer and our Ground Wire
What is a buzzer? How does it work?
Its full name is the piezoelectric buzzer. It is made up of a small disc. When you apply current to the buzzer, it expands the disc, and then shrinks it. This makes sound waves!
We will not be uploading the standard Firmata today, we will need to use a modified version
Go to this site, right click the folder, and press download
Let's set up our custom software
Let's write code to test our LEDs
Let's add code to make our LEDs only light up when our button is pressed!
Let's make it so that when we press on the button, the buzzer makes a sound
First we need to upload our custom blocks!
Let's add some sound to our circuit now!
Let's export our project. We want to keep it!
Close out of all the programs.