Only use HTML and CSS (NO JavaScript), provided images, and the provided editors.
No iframes, frameworks, snippets or other assets allowed.
Editor in full screen mode, never exit out or use any measurement tools.
No previews until the round is over.
Once the 15 minute timer runs out audience votes on their favorite to decide the winner.
Bragging rights
1 year of CodePen PRO
Don't be clever! Stick to syntax you know by heart rather than trying to remember something fancy.
Throw best practices out the window. This is the one time nobody will care about perfect indentation or BEM or declaration orders.
Don't get lost in the big picture! Break things down into smaller parts and build them one by one.
Don't be embarrassed! You're performing a ridiculous task in a ridiculous timeframe in front of a live audience. We're expecting all of the results to be hilarious. Historically, all our winners were really lucky.