Multi-camera Concepts

CMS 3510/3511 Fall 2016

Studio     vs.

News shows, game shows, shows with scripts, talk shows or interviews using studio set and lighting.

Field Events

Basketball games, volleyball games etc.

Studio set up:

The Set

Studio set up:

                                                   The Control Room

Field Event set up:

Stage, Court, or Field

Field Event set up:

Control Area

Single Camera  VS.

  • 1 camera hh or tripod





Camera power:




Operated by:




Video cables:

  • mini dv tape
  • 1 battery
  • camera on- board mic
  • 1 operator
  • Lots needed!!!!
  • None!
  • 1-6 cameras on tripods
  • Tricaster hard drive
  • 1 battery
  • Audio feed (radio commentary)
  • Crew (5 for volleyball)
  • Hardly any needed, and if live, none at all.
  • Lots!!!!

Director (D)

  • Directs set up, gives guidelines to each crew member, and oversees take down
  • Understands how each piece fits into the whole - a mental map of the production parts as well as the chronology of the show
  • 'Calls the show' - from start to finish, giving the Technical Director instructions about which camera gets recorded using the "ready, take" cues.
  • Gives direction to camera crew view comm headsets
  • Makes sure the production is saved and stored properly.

(Technical) Director examples:

Technical Director (TD)

  • Operates the video switcher*
  • Informs the Director of any video/switcher issues
  • Discuss direction style ahead of time!
  • Follow Director cues during the show


*can be performed by Director.

Audio Engineer (AE)

  • Gets microphones, mics talent
  • Runs audio test
  • Monitors and adjusts audio levels on mixer

Camera Operator (CO)

  • Single camera operator video skills
  • Listens to director on headsets, adjusts camera accordingly
  • Don't worry about recording, the switcher is recording everything
  • Remember you don't have to get every shot, you are just one angle of the story 

Teleprompter Operator (TO)

  • Formats the script
  • Rehearses the script running the teleprompter (audio test?)
  • Runs the teleprompter during the shoot
  • Follow the talent's lead-- don't rush them or go too slow!
  • Note: Studio only (not applicable to field events)

What happens when you go too fast or too slow on the teleprompter?

Character Generator /

Score Keeper (CG)

  • Updates dates and graphics before event
  • Updates score and game period during event
  • Note: Field events only (sports), not applicable to studio shoots.
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