English 4521

Monday, February 17


Blog Posts Graded/Returned
Quizzes Graded (#2 extra credit)
Quiz #3 Saturday-Monday???

Appeals to "Time"

Any questions from Killingsworth?

How and why do appeals to time "work"? 

As Seen on TV infomercials

Any additional thoughts on Slow Food?


Questions? Comments?
What is her claim/project here?

Biesecker COnt.

  • In what ways does "time" function as a critical idea or opportunity in Biesecker's analysis? 
  • How is she using time (and why is she gosh darned aggressive)? 
  • How is time invoked in justifying the WWII memorial? 
  • How is time a factor in the creation of the "memory texts" she describes?

Saving Private Ryan

The Greatest Generation

  • What is Biesecker's "beef" with each memory text? 
  • Do you agree/disagree with her arguments?
  •  Are there contemporary parallels? Do we still have this particular unifying national narrative? Do we have others?

For next time

Read: Killingsworth  Chapter 5 (Appeals to Place) and Edwin Black's "Gettsyburg and Silence" (on Moodle)
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