


Tacoma Computer Clubhouse

Monday August 11, 2014


Think about what goes into a good story.

Learn the structure of the Hollywood-style screenplay.

Start planning your sci-fi movies!


What do you think makes for a good story?

When you pick out a book or movie what do you look for?

Storytelling...the basics

Something is done to or by someone somewhere for a some reason.

So, what are the pieces here that we have to define as storytellers?

Character(s)...who is present?

Action...what are they doing?

Setting...where is the action happening?

Purpose...why is this action happening?

An example:

Tell me about character, action, setting, and purpose in this scene from Captain America: The Winter Soldier.


What is a screenplay and why are they important?

All writing has an audience...who do you think is the audience for a screenplay?

Parts of a screenplay

First, we need to know what your movie is about. Start with a paragraph explaining the movie (or scene) in a little detail. Be sure to include all 4 parts of the story:





Next, we need to consider the format of a screenplay (almost every screenplay is set up this way).


Setting: Int. or Ext. + Location + Time of Day


Camera Directions

Dialogue (or voice over)

How would we recreate the captain America screenplay?

Visualizing the Screenplay

In order to shoot your scenes, you'll need to think about the "look" of the movie. Consider:




Settings (light and background)

Camera Position*


Storyboarding helps you think about where to put your camera. Why is this important?

Camera Position in Our Example

Your Mission...

  • Write a screenplay for a short sci-fi movie or scene. Use the template to get started.
  • Keep it simple!
  • Start with a summary of the movie and then write out individual scenes.
  • Write as clearly as you can so your readers can follow the story and action.
  • Be creative!

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