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More symplectic structures

on the space of space curves

Joint with Martin Bauer & Peter Michor

September 2024 @ TU Wien

Sadashige Ishida (ISTA)

Introduction to myself

Sadashige, a PhD student @ ISTA (near Vienna)

Introduction to myself

Geometry & Dynamics in Math, Physics, CS

Sadashige, a PhD student @ ISTA (near Vienna)

Introduction to myself

Geometry & Dynamics in Math, Physics, CS

Sadashige, a PhD student @ ISTA (near Vienna)

Dynamics as \(\infty\)-dim geometry

e.g. fluids, optimal transport, shapes

Introduction to myself

Geometry & Dynamics in Math, Physics, CS

Sadashige, a PhD student @ ISTA (near Vienna)

Dynamics as \(\infty\)-dim geometry

e.g. fluids, optimal transport, shapes

+ their finite-dim approximations

a.k.a. discretization

Introduction to myself

Looking for a postgraduate/research fellow position starting late 2025

Dynamics as \(\infty\)-dim geometry

e.g. fluids, optimal transport, shapes

Geometry & Dynamics in Math, Physics, CS

+ their finite-dim approximations

a.k.a. discretization

Sadashige, a PhD student @ ISTA (near Vienna)


On the space of space curves, only one symplectic structure was known.

We found more.

Symplectic structure is a sandbox

for Hamiltonian dynamics

Space with

a symplectic structure \(\Omega\)

A function \(H\)

Dynamics \(V_H\)

Symplectic structure is a sandbox

for Hamiltonian dynamics

A symplectic structure \(\Omega\) is a 2-form on a manifold \(X\) s.t.

Symplectic structure is a sandbox

for Hamiltonian dynamics

A symplectic structure \(\Omega\) is a 2-form on a manifold \(X\) s.t.

  • closed i.e. \(d\Omega=0\) 

Symplectic structure is a sandbox

for Hamiltonian dynamics

A symplectic structure \(\Omega\) is a 2-form on a manifold \(X\) s.t.

  • non-degenerate i.e. the map $$\flat: TX\to T^*X$$ $$  \qquad    v\to \Omega(v, \cdot )$$ is injective
  • closed i.e. \(d\Omega=0\) 

Symplectic structure is a sandbox

for Hamiltonian dynamics

Symplectic structure is a sandbox

for Hamiltonian dynamics

For \(H \colon X\to \mathbb{R}\),


Hamiltonian vector field \(V_H\in \Gamma(TM)\) is the one

$$ dH = \Omega(V_H, \cdot). $$

Symplectic structure is a sandbox

for Hamiltonian dynamics

For \(H \colon X\to \mathbb{R}\),


Hamiltonian vector field \(V_H\in \Gamma(TM)\) is the one

$$ dH = \Omega(V_H, \cdot). $$

The Hamiltonian dynamics

$$\dot x=V_H(x).$$

Why Hamiltonian dynamics?

Has nice properties.



  • \(H\) is preserved in dynamics.
  • If \(H\) is invariant under some group action, there is a conserved quantity.

Spaces with symplectic structures

and Hamiltonian dynamics



Celestial mechanics


 Schrödinger equation

 Incompressible fluids

Spaces with symplectic structures

and Hamiltonian dynamics




 Schrödinger equation

 Incompressible fluids

Space curves

Celestial mechanics

The space of space curves

$$\operatorname{Imm}(\mathbb{S}^1,\mathbb{R}^3)=\{ c\colon \mathbb{S}^1\to\mathbb{R}^3, \partial_\theta c\neq 0 \ \forall \theta\in\mathbb{S}^1 \}$$

Parametrized curves

The space of space curves

$$\operatorname{Imm}(\mathbb{S}^1,\mathbb{R}^3)=\{ c\colon \mathbb{S}^1\to\mathbb{R}^3, \partial_\theta c\neq 0 \ \forall \theta\in\mathbb{S}^1 \}$$

Parametrized curves


Tangent space

The space of space curves


Unparametrized curves a.k.a. shape space

The space of space curves


Unparametrized curves a.k.a. shape space



\[\Bigg\downarrow \pi\]



The space of space curves


Unparametrized curves a.k.a. shape space

Tangent space

$$T_{[c]}\operatorname{UImm}(\mathbb{S}^1,\mathbb{R}^3)=T_c\operatorname{Imm}(\mathbb{S}^1,\mathbb{R}^3)/\ker d\pi_c$$



\[\Bigg\downarrow \pi\]



The space of space curves


Unparametrized curves a.k.a. shape space

Tangent space

$$T_{[c]}\operatorname{UImm}(\mathbb{S}^1,\mathbb{R}^3)=T_c\operatorname{Imm}(\mathbb{S}^1,\mathbb{R}^3)/\ker d\pi_c$$



\[\Bigg\downarrow \pi\]



\(\{a.\partial_\theta c \mid a\in C^\infty(\mathbb{S}^1)\}\)

curve tangent

The space of space curves


Unparametrized curves a.k.a. shape space

Tangent space

$$T_{[c]}\operatorname{UImm}(\mathbb{S}^1,\mathbb{R}^3)=T_c\operatorname{Imm}(\mathbb{S}^1,\mathbb{R}^3)/\ker d\pi_c$$

$$\eqsim\{h \in T_c \operatorname{Imm}(\mathbb{S}^1,\mathbb{R}^3)\mid h\perp \partial_\theta c \}$$



\[\Bigg\downarrow \pi\]



\(\{a.\partial_\theta c \mid a\in C^\infty(\mathbb{S}^1)\}\)

curve tangent

Symplectic structure

\[\Omega_c\colon T_c\operatorname{Imm}\times T_c\operatorname{Imm}\to \mathbb{R}\]

\[\Omega_c(h,k)=\int_{\mathbb{S}^1}\langle D_s c\times h, k\rangle ds\]


\[D_s = \frac{\partial_\theta }{|\partial_\theta c|}, \quad ds = |\partial_\theta c| d\theta \]

Closed (\(d\Omega=0\)),

Degenerate with

\(\ker \Omega_{[c]}= \ker d\pi_c= \{a. D_s c\mid a \in C^\infty(\mathbb{S}^1)\}\)


On \(\operatorname{Imm}(\mathbb{S}^1,\mathbb{R}^3)\),

Canonical symplectic structure on \(\operatorname{UImm}(\mathbb{S}^1,\mathbb{R}^3)\)

The Marsden-Weinstein structure

\[\Omega_{[c]}\colon T_{[ c]}\operatorname{UImm}\times T_{[ c]}\operatorname{UImm}\to \mathbb{R},\]

Canonical symplectic structure on \(\operatorname{UImm}(\mathbb{S}^1,\mathbb{R}^3)\)

\[\Omega_{[c]}\colon T_{[ c]}\operatorname{UImm}\times T_{[ c]}\operatorname{UImm}\to \mathbb{R},\]

The Marsden-Weinstein structure

\[\Omega_{[c]}([h],[k])=\int_{\mathbb{S}^1}\langle D_s c\times h, k\rangle ds\]


\[D_s = \frac{\partial_\theta }{|\partial_\theta c|}, \quad ds = |\partial_\theta c| d\theta \]

unit tangent

Canonical symplectic structure on \(\operatorname{UImm}(\mathbb{S}^1,\mathbb{R}^3)\)

\[\Omega_{[c]}\colon T_{[ c]}\operatorname{UImm}\times T_{[ c]}\operatorname{UImm}\to \mathbb{R},\]


The Marsden-Weinstein structure

\[\Omega_{[c]}([h],[k])=\int_{\mathbb{S}^1}\langle D_s c\times h, k\rangle ds\]


\[D_s = \frac{\partial_\theta }{|\partial_\theta c|}, \quad ds = |\partial_\theta c| d\theta \]

unit tangent

Canonical symplectic structure on \(\operatorname{UImm}(\mathbb{S}^1,\mathbb{R}^3)\)

\[\Omega_{[c]}\colon T_{[ c]}\operatorname{UImm}\times T_{[ c]}\operatorname{UImm}\to \mathbb{R},\]

Closed \(d\Omega=0\),


The Marsden-Weinstein structure

\[\Omega_{[c]}([h],[k])=\int_{\mathbb{S}^1}\langle D_s c\times h, k\rangle ds\]


\[D_s = \frac{\partial_\theta }{|\partial_\theta c|}, \quad ds = |\partial_\theta c| d\theta \]

unit tangent

Canonical symplectic structure on \(\operatorname{UImm}(\mathbb{S}^1,\mathbb{R}^3)\)

\[\Omega_{[c]}\colon T_{[ c]}\operatorname{UImm}\times T_{[ c]}\operatorname{UImm}\to \mathbb{R},\]

Closed \(d\Omega=0\),


The Marsden-Weinstein structure

\[\Omega_{[c]}([h],[k])=\int_{\mathbb{S}^1}\langle D_s c\times h, k\rangle ds\]


\[D_s = \frac{\partial_\theta }{|\partial_\theta c|}, \quad ds = |\partial_\theta c| d\theta \]

Non-degenerate \(\ker \Omega_{[c]}=[0]=\{a.D_s c \mid a \in C^\infty(\mathbb{S}^1)\}\)

unit tangent

Hamiltonian flow


Hamiltonian \(H = \operatorname{Length}([c])\)

Binormal flow

Dynamics \(V_H=[D_s c \times D_s^2 c]\)

Hamiltonian flow


Hamiltonian \(H = \operatorname{Length}([c])\)

Binormal flow

Dynamics \(V_H=[D_s c \times D_s^2 c]\)

A completely integrable system

More symplectic structures?

More symplectic structures?


A symplectic structure \(\Omega\) defines a Hamiltonian dynamics \(V_H\) via $$dH=\Omega(V_H,\cdot).$$

More symplectic structures?

A different \(\Omega\) defines different \(V_H\).


A symplectic structure \(\Omega\) defines a Hamiltonian dynamics \(V_H\) via $$dH=\Omega(V_H,\cdot).$$

More symplectic structures?

A different \(\Omega\) defines different \(V_H\).

But only one \(\Omega\) is known on \(\operatorname{UImm}\).


A symplectic structure \(\Omega\) defines a Hamiltonian dynamics \(V_H\) via $$dH=\Omega(V_H,\cdot).$$

More symplectic structures?

A different \(\Omega\) defines different \(V_H\).

We found more.

But only one \(\Omega\) is known on \(\operatorname{UImm}\).


A symplectic structure \(\Omega\) defines a Hamiltonian dynamics \(V_H\) via $$dH=\Omega(V_H,\cdot).$$

Hint 1. Trend in shape analysis

Hint 1. Trend in shape analysis

a Riemannian metric on \(\operatorname{Imm}\)

$$ g(h,k)=\int_{\mathbb{S}^1} \langle h,k\rangle ds$$

Hint 1. Trend in shape analysis

a Riemannian metric on \(\operatorname{Imm}\)

$$ g(h,k)=\int_{\mathbb{S}^1} \langle h,k\rangle ds$$

a suitable operator

$$L\colon T\operatorname{Imm}\to T\operatorname{Imm}. $$

Hint 1. Trend in shape analysis

a Riemannian metric on \(\operatorname{Imm}\)

$$ g(h,k)=\int_{\mathbb{S}^1} \langle h,k\rangle ds$$

New metric $$g^L(h,k)\coloneqq g(h,Lk) $$

a suitable operator

$$L\colon T\operatorname{Imm}\to T\operatorname{Imm}. $$

e.g. \(L_c=\operatorname{id}_c\),

$$g^{\operatorname{id}}_c(h,k)=\int_{\mathbb{S}^1} \langle h,k\rangle ds$$

Hint 1. Trend in shape analysis

e.g. \(L_c=\operatorname{id}_c\),

$$g^{\operatorname{id}}_c(h,k)=\int_{\mathbb{S}^1} \langle h,k\rangle ds$$

e.g. \(L_c=\lambda(c)\) with a conformal factor \(\lambda\colon \operatorname{Imm}\to \mathbb{R}_{>0}\)

$$g^{\lambda}_c(h,k)=\lambda(c)\int_{\mathbb{S}^1} \langle h,k\rangle ds$$

Hint 1. Trend in shape analysis

e.g. \(L_c=\operatorname{id}_c\),

$$g^{\operatorname{id}}_c(h,k)=\int_{\mathbb{S}^1} \langle h,k\rangle ds$$

e.g. Sobolev-type differential operator  \(L_c=\operatorname{id}-D_s^2\)

$$g^{\operatorname{id}-D_s^2}_c(h,k)=\int_{\mathbb{S}^1} \langle h,k\rangle -\langle h, D_s^2 k \rangle ds = \int_{\mathbb{S}^1} \langle h,k\rangle + \langle D_s h, D_s k \rangle ds $$

Hint 1. Trend in shape analysis

e.g. \(L_c=\lambda(c)\) with a conformal factor \(\lambda\colon \operatorname{Imm}\to \mathbb{R}_{>0}\)

$$g^{\lambda}_c(h,k)=\lambda(c)\int_{\mathbb{S}^1} \langle h,k\rangle ds$$

Hint 2. Liouville form

\(\Omega\) is exact

i.e. there is a 1-form \(\Theta\) s.t. \(\Omega=d\Theta\).

Hint 2. Liouville form

\(\Omega\) is exact

\(\Theta\) is given by 

$$\Theta_{[c]}([h])=\frac{1}{3}\int_{\mathbb{S}^1}\langle D_s c\times c, h\rangle  ds=g^{\operatorname{id}}\left(\frac{1}{3}D_s c\times c, h\right).$$

i.e. there is a 1-form \(\Theta\) s.t. \(\Omega=d\Theta\).

Hint 1 + Hint 2

Let's define a 1-form

$$\Theta_{[c]}^{\color{blue}L}([h])\coloneqq g^{\color{blue}L}\left(\frac{1}{3}D_s c\times c, h\right)= \frac{1}{3} \int_{\mathbb{S}^1} \langle D_s c \times c, {\color{blue}L} h\rangle ds $$

Hint 1 + Hint 2

and a 2-form $$\Omega^L\coloneqq d\Theta^L$$

Let's define a 1-form

$$\Theta_{[c]}^{\color{blue}L}([h])\coloneqq g^{\color{blue}L}\left(\frac{1}{3}D_s c\times c, h\right)= \frac{1}{3} \int_{\mathbb{S}^1} \langle D_s c \times c, {\color{blue}L} h\rangle ds $$

$$\Omega^L\coloneqq d\Theta^L$$

Does \(\Omega^L\) define a symplectic structure on \(\operatorname{UImm}\)?.

Hint 1 + Hint 2

with  \(\Theta_{[c]}^L([h])\coloneqq \frac{1}{3} \int_{\mathbb{S}^1} \langle D_s c \times c, L h\rangle ds \)

Closeness. OK because it is exact  \(d\Omega^L=dd\Theta^L=0\)

$$\Omega^L\coloneqq d\Theta^L$$

Does \(\Omega^L\) define a symplectic structure on \(\operatorname{UImm}\)?.

Hint 1 + Hint 2

with  \(\Theta_{[c]}^L([h])\coloneqq \frac{1}{3} \int_{\mathbb{S}^1} \langle D_s c \times c, L h\rangle ds \)

Closeness. OK because it is exact  \(d\Omega^L=dd\Theta^L=0\)

$$\Omega^L\coloneqq d\Theta^L$$

Does \(\Omega^L\) define a symplectic structure on \(\operatorname{UImm}\)?.

Hint 1 + Hint 2

with  \(\Theta_{[c]}^L([h])\coloneqq \frac{1}{3} \int_{\mathbb{S}^1} \langle D_s c \times c, L h\rangle ds \)

Non-degeneracy on \(\operatorname{UImm}\) ?

i.e. \(\ker \Omega_c^L = [0] = \{a. D_s c \mid a \in C^\infty(\mathbb{S}^1)\}\)

Closeness. OK because it is exact  \(d\Omega^L=dd\Theta^L=0\)

$$\Omega^L\coloneqq d\Theta^L$$

Does \(\Omega^L\) define a symplectic structure on \(\operatorname{UImm}\)?.

Non-degeneracy on \(\operatorname{UImm}\) ?

i.e. \(\ker \Omega_c^L = [0] = \{a. D_s c \mid a \in C^\infty(\mathbb{S}^1)\}\)

Need to check case by case.

Hint 1 + Hint 2

with  \(\Theta_{[c]}^L([h])\coloneqq \frac{1}{3} \int_{\mathbb{S}^1} \langle D_s c \times c, L h\rangle ds \)

Symplectic structure

induced by a conformal factor

$$\Omega^\lambda\coloneqq d\Theta^\lambda$$


With a conformal factor \(\lambda\colon \operatorname{UImm}\to \mathbb{R}_{>0} \),

is a symplectic structure on \(\operatorname{UImm}\) 

Symplectic structure

induced by a conformal factor

$$\Omega^\lambda\coloneqq d\Theta^\lambda$$


With a conformal factor \(\lambda\colon \operatorname{UImm}\to \mathbb{R}_{>0} \),

is a symplectic structure on \(\operatorname{UImm}\) 

if \(\Theta^\lambda\) is NOT invariant under scaling (\(c\to c+t c\) with \(t \in \mathbb{R}^\times\)).

Symplectic structure

induced by a conformal factor

$$\Omega^\lambda\coloneqq d\Theta^\lambda$$


With a conformal factor \(\lambda\colon \operatorname{UImm}\to \mathbb{R}_{>0} \),

is a symplectic structure on \(\operatorname{UImm}\) 

If \(\Theta^\lambda\) is invariant under scaling, \(\Omega^\lambda\) is NOT symplectic on \(\operatorname{UImm}\),

but becomes symplectic in another space! (Check out our paper)

if \(\Theta^\lambda\) is NOT invariant under scaling (\(c\to c+t c\) with \(t \in \mathbb{R}^\times\)).

Open problem

Is there a non-conformal \(L\) making \(\Omega^L\coloneqq d\Theta^L\) symplectic?

Open problem

Is there a non-conformal \(L\) making \(\Omega^L\coloneqq d\Theta^L\) symplectic?


Squared curvature \(L|_\theta=1+\kappa^2_c(\theta)\) defines a symplectic structure.

Open problem

Is there a non-conformal \(L\) making \(\Omega^L\coloneqq d\Theta^L\) symplectic?


Squared curvature \(L|_\theta=1+\kappa^2_c(\theta)\) defines a symplectic structure.

Result in preparation

Squared scale \(L|_\theta=|c(\theta)|^2\) defines a symplectic structure.

Simulation of Hamiltonian dynamics

Remember, different symplectic structures induce different dynamics from the same Hamiltonian.





Simulation of Hamiltonian dynamics

Hamiltonian dynamics \(V_H\) of total squared-scale  $$H(c)=\int_{\mathbb{S}^1}|c|^2 ds$$

\(H\) is preserved in all of them.

Future work A

Do the same machinery to find more symplectic structures on other \(\infty\)-dim manifolds.

Future work

Future work

Our paper has a disclaimer

We do not guarantee any correctness of (even short-time behavior) dynamics in our simulation

Future work

Symplectic structure on the space of discrete space curves?

Toward a symplectic integrator for space curves

Our paper has a disclaimer

We do not guarantee any correctness of (even short-time behavior) dynamics in our simulation

Future work

Symplectic structure on the space of discrete space curves?

Toward a symplectic integrator for space curves

Looking for a collaborator!

Our paper has a disclaimer

We do not guarantee any correctness of (even short-time behavior) dynamics in our simulation


Preprint: arXiv 2407.19908


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