Webpack ALL the things.

Sean Larkin - UX Designer @ Mutual of Omaha

 @TheLarkInn -  Twitter/Github/Codepen

Who Am I?

  • Technical Support Background
  • Been a developer for 3.5 years
  • Codementor
  • AngularJS Fanboy
  • Readability Junky

  • Written in JavaScript, Obj-C, Rails, ColdFusion, Ruby, C# and JavaScript.
  • Urban Chicken Farmer (ps eggs for sale $3.50/dozen)

My mom really likes the chicken selfies...

Lets talk about web application packaging

Why do you hate about:

Grunt? Gulp? Browserify? MVC Bundling? ETC?  

What are some nightmares you have experienced with the current bundling/deployment/packaging scripts you work with today?

Introducing Webpack!

The not another task runner tool


Webpack is a module bundler and not a task runner.


Analyzes dependencies among your modules (not only JS but also CSS, HTML, etc) and generates assets.


Understands multiple standards for how to define dependencies and export values: UMD, AMD, CommonJS, ES6 modules, ...

The flow...

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