
Data-Driven Documents

What is D3.js?

D3 allows you to bind arbitrary data to a Document Object Model (DOM), and then apply data-driven transformations to the document


  • Modern Browsers only (IE9+)
  • learning curve


  • Size is "good" - 78kb
  • fast manipulation of DOM
  • support large datasets
  • interaction
  • animations

D3 is about:

enter, update, and exit

...and selections.

Selection API methods

#foo        // <any id="foo">
foo         // <foo>
.foo        // <any class="foo">
[foo=bar]   // <any foo="bar">
foo.bar     // <foo class="bar">
foo#bar     // <foo id="bar">
Selections returned are always Arrays containing DOM elements. 


This method finds and returns a single element, the selection they act upon.

// returns first descendant DOM element found
let chart = d3.select('.chart');

// returns first descendant DOM element found
let dev = d3.select('div');

selector is a CSS-Selector style string, e.g. 'p', '.class', or '#unique-identifier'


// returns all <p> DOM elements
let paragraphElements = d3.selectAll('p');

// returns all elements that have .bars as a class value
let bars = d3.selectAll('.bars');

This method finds and returns a single element, the selection they act upon.

selector is a CSS-Selector style string, e.g. 'p', '.class', or '#unique-identifier'

Using .select() and .selectAll()

on selections returned by previous d3 selections

selecting on selections

// get a selection
let paragraphElements = d3.select('.chart');

// use .selectAll() on the previous selection, yea!
let bars = paragraphElements.selectAll('.bars');

// example of chaining selection methods
let tableRows = d3.select('.my-table').selectAll('tr');

Methods for use on selections

// return value from d3.select() or d3.selectAll() 
// will be referred to as 'selection' from this point on

let selection = d3.select('.chart');
let selection2 = d3.selectAll('p');


/** using .filter with CSS-Selector style
 * select all <tr> elements of '.my-table' element and
 * filter out odd rows returning only even rows
let paragraphElements = d3.select('.my-table')

 * using .filter with a function
 * `d` argument is each <tr> element found
 * `i` argument is the index position of the current `d`
let paragraphElements = d3.select('.my-table')
    .filter(function(d, i) {
        return i % 2 === 0;


var circle = svg.selectAll("circle").data(data)
    .style("fill", "blue");


    .style("fill", "green")
  .merge(circle) // ENTER + UPDATE
    .style("stroke", "black");

 used to merge the enter and update selections after a data-join

more clarity when we talk about data-joining

a note on the function argument

var circle = svg.selectAll("circle").data(data)
    // `d` is the data
    // `i` is the index position of the current `circle` element inside of the group selection
    // `nodes` is the group selection of all `circle elements
    .style("fill", function(d, i, nodes) {

3 Arguments:

`d` - data value mapped to element

`i` - index of current element

`nodes` - entire group of elements

Attribute Modification

selection.attr(name, [, value])

let paragraphElements = d3.select('.my-table')
    .attr('even-row', 'true'); // each <tr> gets the same value

value can be a constant value

e.g. "a-helpful-label".

selection.attr(name, [, value]) continued...

value can be a function when you need a computed value instead of a constant value.

let data = [
        name: 'Pie',
        votes: 1337
        name: 'Cake',
        votes: 2593

let paragraphElements = d3.select('.my-table')
    .attr('name', function(d, i, nodes) {
        // attach a value based on the data bound(or will be bound) to the element
        return data.name;

selection.style(prop, [, value])

let paragraphElements = d3.select('.my-table')
    .style('background-color', 'salmon'); // each <tr> gets the same value

prop must be a String of a valid CSS property for the element.

value can be a constant value e.g. "#000FFF" or "30px".

caveat: use .style() when you need a value through computation otherwise add a class to the element and take advantage of CSS (through external stylesheet).

selection.style(prop, [, value]) continued...

value can be a function when you need a computed value instead of a constant value.

let data = [
        name: 'Pie',
        votes: 100
        name: 'Cake',
        votes: 150

let paragraphElements = d3.select('.my-table')
    .style('background-color', function(d, i, nodes) {
        // <tr> elements with larger votes data will
        // appear "more red" then ones will a lower vote count
        return `rgb(${d.votes + 100}, 0, 0)`;

selection.property(name, [, value])

use this for properties in which you cannot set with .attr(). A checkbox element's `checked` property is one example, another is an input field's `value` property.


value can be a constant value e.g. "#000FFF" or "30px".

let data = [
        name: 'Pie',
        votes: 100
        name: 'Cake',
        votes: 150

let paragraphElements = d3.select('.chart')
    .style('background-color', function(d, i, nodes) {
        return `rgb(${d.votes + 100}, 0, 0)`;
    .text(function(d) {
        // compute name via `name` property of the data bound
        // to element
        return d.name;


value can be a constant value e.g. "div" or a Function.

// usual use case

// same as above
d3.selectAll("p").append(function() {
  return document.createElement("div");

// same as above
d3.selectAll("p").append(function() {
  return this.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));

This method, after appending, will return the appended elements as a selection.

selection.append(value) continued...

// select all <section> elements
var section = d3.selectAll("section");

// add an <h1> element to each <section>
var h1 = section.append("h1"); // .append() returns all <h1> elements


removes the selection from the DOM

// removes all <p> elements from within the '.chart' element

// remove single element '#legend' from within the '.chart' element



Selections return Arrays of DOM elements 

Data should be an Array

Coincidence? No.

Data looks like...

// an array of numbers works
let data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
// A scatterplot, perhaps?
var data = [
  {x: 10.0, y: 9.14},
  {x:  8.0, y: 8.14},
  {x: 13.0, y: 8.74},
  {x:  9.0, y: 8.77},
  {x: 11.0, y: 9.26}

D3 has no method for creating elements

Instead, it provides a pattern for managing the mapping from data to elements. The way to create elements from scratch is a special case of the more generalized form.

    .attr("cx", x)
    .attr("cy", y)
    .attr("r", 2.5);

We want the selection circle to correspond to data.


.data() and .enter()

New data, for which there were no existing elements.

.data() and .enter() continued...

When initializing data you may omit update and exit patterns

// <circle> is empty. .data() attempts to 
// bind each datum to a <circle> element.
// at first there are no <circle> elements
// so the leftover data will be passed to .enter() below

let circle = svg.selectAll("circle")

// calling .append() on .enter() will create new elements
// for data leftover from the .data() joining above.



updating data

New data that was joined successfully to an existing element.

updating continued...

    let circle = svg.selectAll("circle")
        .attr('cy', (data) => {
            return data.y;
        .attr('cx', (data) => {
            return data.x;
        .attr("r", 2.5);

When updating data you may omit enter and exit patterns


exiting data

Existing elements, for which there were no new data.

exit continued...

    let circle = svg.selectAll("circle")
        .attr('cy', (data) => {
            return data.y;
        .attr('cx', (data) => {
            return data.x;
        .attr("r", 2.5);

    // elements leftover, if any, will be available at .exit()
    // you can use .remove()
    // you can also add transitions here

When updating data you may omit enter and update patterns


an HTML Bar Chart


    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">

        <div class="bar-chart"></div>

        <script src="..path/to/file.js"></script>

The Data

    let data = [
        {name: 'pizza', votes: 7},
        {name: 'salad', votes: 16},
        {name: 'Ahi Bowl', votes: 9},
        {name: 'Soup', votes: 4},
        {name: 'Pirosky', votes: 3}

The JavaScript

    let chart = d3.select('.bar-chart')
        .style('width', (d) => {
            return d.votes;
        .text((d) => {
            return d.name;

Test code before moving on!

// select the parent element for the chart
let chart = d3.select('.bar-chart')
    // ..of that selection, bind data to existing <div> elements
    // data which needs NEW elements are passed to .enter()
    // .append() creates a new element and binds data to it

    // ...now we can style all <div> elements 
    // based on the bounded data
    .style('width', (d) => {
        return d.votes;
    .text((d) => {
        return d.name;

Code Breakdown

SVG Elements


Line Chart with SVGs

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