Week 9
You can effect all four sizes of the box
To add rounded corners:
note: not supported in ie 8 or below
You can add a photo for a border:
By default, overflow is set to visible which allows content to "break" outside the box when it has a specific height.
You can change how an element is displayed
box-shadow: 6px 5px 5px 6px #4444;
will have to use vendor prefixes.
inline elements
block level elements
Clears floated elements and returns it to it's natural state
clear:(left, right, both, none, inherit)
position: (static, relative, absolute, fixed, inherit)
You also have to specify where you what the element moved.
top, right, bottom, left
top: 10px;
z-index: (number, auto, inherit)
You can control the width and height of an image via CSS
img {
width: 100px;
height: 200px;
width: 100%;
height: 200%;
You can also align images using the float property or by using margin: 0px auto to center them
img.left {
display: block;
margin: 0px auto;
You can set images as background and control if they repeat and their position
You can also use the shorthand version
1. Color
2. Image URL
3. Repeat
4. Attachment
5. Position
You can set an image as a background and repeat it as a pattern.
body {
background: url (images/background.jpg) no-repeat;
body {
background: url (images/background.jpg) repeat-y;
You can also call multiple background images. The image called first will be placed infront.
background-image: url(kittens.jpg), url(dogs.jpg);
background-position: left top, center top;
background-repeat: no-repeat, repeat-y;
New to CSS3, you can create radial and linear gradients
background-image: linear-gradient (180deg, yellow, green)
background-image:radial-gradient (center contain yellow green)
Gradients can be difficult to understand and create, but there are tools out there that will help you generate them:
Are applied to already existing classes
Are applied to already existing classes
content:"Once upon a time";
img[title]{border3px solid #555;}
input[type="text"]{border:1px solid #444;}