with jQuery mobile
Tap: Select a control or link
Double Tap: Automatically zoom in or out
Flick: Scroll or pan quickly
Drag: Scroll, move the viewport or pan
Pinch Open: Zoom in with more control
Pinch Close: Zoom out with more control
Touch & Hold: Display helper information, magnify content
Gesture controls are often paired with animations to help the user feel like they are truly interacting with the content and provide feedback that a gesture has successfully started or completed
Most popular mobile UI components that use gestures include
Page transitions, accordions
There are 3 themes included in the jQuery mobile framework
1. Default theme: A
2. Theme B
3. Theme C
You can change the theme by adding the attribute data-theme="b" to pages, headers and footers.
You can also use theme roller to create a custom theme
An introduction
Developmental framework for building mobile apps
We'll be using Phone Gap Build for this class. build.phonegap.com