The 4 Stages of Web Development
The 4 Stages of Web Development
The 4 Stages of Web Development
Kickoff: Establish communication protocols, milestones, timelines, deliverables and scope, roles and expectations. Usually a 1hr meeting
Table Based Layouts
Image Slicing
Content vs Form
CSS Based Layouts
Responsive Design
Check out bad mobile designs.
Content is king.
Content should inform the design and form
Print vs. Screen
Wireframes/UX Sketches
Style Tiles
Visual Designs
An IA expert asks
IA is the information backbone of the site;
Navigation refers to those elements in the UI that allow users to reach specific information on the site.
IA focuses on
Questions to answer
Ways to answer the key questions
Ways to answer the key questions
key steps
How will a site work from a practical perspective?
Site Structure
A well designed primary navigation system
should introduce the viewer to—and remind of
—the main conceptual structure for the
Key navigation components include:
For each navigation component, a series of decisions must be made:
How a user perceives a website:
UX vs.UI
RWD Workflow
RWD Workflow
HTML design prototype: If w’ere not delivering designs in PS, what do we deliver? Clients wants PS because they’re used to it. Create HTML CSS, and maybe a bit of JS
Using pencil and paper as folded draw wireframe sketches for various device sizes and orientations for a website containing these common sections:
RWD Exercise