Guild Activities
What Do We Have Today?
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Tech Talks
How it Works?
Devs suggest topics on guild board
You choose a subject you'd like to learn/talk about
We agree on a date for presentation
Guild staff will help you to prepare & rehearse the talk
Promoting Wix engineering brand
Keep up with crazy evolution of frontend development
Help people grow both technically and personally
It's Great!
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Open Discussions
How it Works?
Anyone can suggest a topic for open discussion (#fed-guild)
We schedule (up to) 1h discussion on the topic
Everyone is welcome to join and contribute
We try to finish discussion with real action items
It's Great!
Many people/companies - same problems
Get to know each other
Sharing is caring!
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Guild Tasks
How it Works?
Guild tasks are categorized to Dev tools, Core libraries & Build tasks
You choose tasks that interest you
Create pull request & review with Infrastructure team
It's Great!
You get to learn about infrastructure & promote changes that matter for you
Learn from code review
You always have something to do on weekend :P
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Guild Forums
Wix Style Devs Forum
Cross-wix team that works on Wix Style
Talk about issues with using it
Plan roadmap
Promote usage in company
Guild Leaders Forum
Team leaders meet every 2 weeks
Discuss management & guild issues
Promote guild agenda in companies
New Activities!
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Production review
How it Works?
One third of guild meets each week (monday?)
Every time someone else presents their project
What does it do? How does it work?
New relic & Anodot status
Interesting performance issues or exceptions
Post mortems
It's Great!
Learn about what other teams do
Share examples of how to maintain project
Give your project some love
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Code review
How it Works?
One third of guild meets each week (wednesday?)
Every time someone else presents some code
Can be a new feature or small product
Can be an interesting refactor
People discuss the code and give comments
It's Great!
Help spread best practices
Learn how to be constructive
Be proud of your work
Make your code more awesome
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Guild Week
How it Works?
Every week 8 feds will spend their whole week working on guild tasks
Thursdays will have only tech talks & open discussion
Work will be done in pairs
It's Great!
Less context switch, more complex tasks
Get some pair programming exprience
Collaborate on tasks with server guild
Nice week in different atmosphere
Tech talks
Open discussions
Guild forums
Production review
Code review
Guild tasks / Guild week
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