
Big market of F-commerce users (3.12Bn BDT)

2k e-commerce & 3Lakh f-commerce business

Unorganized business management of SMBs.

Big market of potential E-commerce (12Mn USD)

High cost of E-commerce creation and management.


A digital solution to manage sales, orders, products and create an e-commerce in one click.


ProjectX will also operate as your F-commerce companion.


  • Inventory (Product add, ++)
  • Catalog (E-commerce)
  • Order Management
  • Payment Method for E-commerce
  • Create order from message (quick order)
  • Analytics
  • Courier service integration (Pathao, Steadfast, REDX)
  • Facebook post automation
  • Customization (Brand Settings)
  • SEO included catalog
  • Photo-editor (Photo-room)
  • & more...

Initial idea, features. Validating idea preparation (User persona, Interview questions)

Conduct interviews and surveys.

Next Step

Current Progress

Expectations from teammates

  • Participate in ProductX meetings
  • Brainstorming and feedback.
  • Help to conduct interviews (provide personal links or conduct interview)

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