Shamel Fahmi, Michele Focchi, Andreea Radulescu, Geoff Fink, Victor Barasuol and Claudio Semini
Dynamic Legged Systems (DLS) lab, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT)
taken from Andrea del Prete, 2019
Shamel Fahmi
Shamel Fahmi
Shamel Fahmi
Shamel Fahmi
Shamel Fahmi
Shamel Fahmi
1. Control Tasks Tracking
2. Physical Consistency
3. Joint & Torque Limits
4. Friction Constraints
5. Unilaterality Constraints
6. Stance Task
Shamel Fahmi
6. Stance Task
5. Unilaterality Constraints
4. Friction Constraints
3. Joint & Torque Limits
2. Physical Consistency
1. Control Tasks Tracking
Shamel Fahmi
Shamel Fahmi
Shamel Fahmi
Shamel Fahmi
Shamel Fahmi
Shamel Fahmi
Shamel Fahmi
Shamel Fahmi
Shamel Fahmi
HyQ Real pulling a plane
G. Urbain et. al., "Stance Control Inspired by Cerebellum Stabilizes Reflex-Based Locomotion on HyQ Robot"
A. Bratta et. al., ''On the Hardware Feasibility of Nonlinear Trajectory Optimization for Legged Locomotion based on a Simplified Dynamics''
O. Villarreal et. al., ''MPC-based Controller with Terrain Insight for Dynamic Legged Locomotion''