Analyse 3 Magazine Advertisements

Linked to our specific genre being drum n bass.

Why analyse 3 magazine advertisements?

By analysing 3 magazine advertisements, I can assess what is needed to produce a successful advertisement that will promote my artist and their song well.


It is also important to look at advertisements specifically link to my genre - drum n bass.


This is essential as different genres of music advertise their artists in various different ways.


It would be an unsuccessful advertisement if I used all the common features in a R&B advert for my drum n bass one which wouldn't appeal to the target audience and lose attraction to the music video itself.



This advertisement links to the typical conventions in a drum n bass/ rave magazine with its bright bold font. Whether it has a plain background or a vibrant background, the font is always large and bold and often a noticeable colour.

A plain background will immediately  draw attention to the artist from a fair distance.

I will incorporate this into my advertisement but with the use of the colour blue as it specifically links to my artist as it is in her name, PKaur  Blue, and is a big part of her brand image. 

Having a plain background makes her hair stand out even more - this links to the video as her hair is in 3/4 of the video.


Disclosure are a popular group who, like my artist are part of the dance genre, but are focused on the sub-genre of house music rather than drum n bass.

However, mix mag advertises all dance music and have successfully advertised disclosure as they frequently use the white lines in their videos and album cover which is part of their brand image. This is a great advertisement as the audience are instantly aware of who they are. As they do not actually feature in their videos - the white lines are significant. 

This is something I plan to include in my advertisement as jaya's blue hair will stand out to my target audience as her hair will be spread out across the advert.


As drum n bass is often associated with dance; big over the top fast paced movements, it is important that the genre is made clear not only through colour scheme, font and name but also through the main image itself.

If it looks like someone is moving in an image, it draws the audience in with connotations of a fun, outgoing atmosphere. Drum n bass takes up a lot of energy and is loud -  it is essential that we don't  mislead our audience.

Also, costume in this is successful promotion as Steve Aoki is an American artist and his outfit reflects the colour scheme.

I intend not to have a clash of colours and plan to use an image where Jaya's hair is in motion and her clothes will be bright, patterned, youthful clothing.


Much like drum n bass videos, the artists rarely or never feature in the advertisement of their album or single. 


Therefore, it was hard to initially research advertisement for drum n bass.


However, the loop whole of searching for adverts is that drum n bass is a sub genre of the dance genre so I looked for dance  magazines and posters and their were plenty. 


My video features my artist quite heavily, so when researching it was important I looked for similarities amongst the adverts to see what was common among all advertisements, then include it in my own work and revolve it around my artist which is somewhat tricky. 



  • Keep the colour scheme the same as the digipak - consistency will help the audience remember who the artist is.


  • Bold writing is common in this genre as the music is often loud - bold and large writing make the audience think the artist's music will be out there.


  • As most drum n bass videos/adverts don't feature the artists themselves, having something as a brand image to include in all forms of promotion is essential as triggers memories for the audience -  they might associate a particular colour, font, image, outfit with the artist.


  • Some form of movement add emphasis to the point that drum n bass is not slow and quiet.
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