Topalov Alex 2017
Ruby Warrior
Code duplications
Saikuro, RuboCop
Bundler Audit, Brakeman. *nix security
1. CodeClimate
2. MetricFu
2. Patterns
3. Refactoring
(Single responsibility principle)
(Single responsibility principle)
(Single responsibility principle)
(Open/Closed principle)
(Open/Closed principle)
(Liskov substitution principle)
(Liskov substitution principle)
(Liskov substitution principle)
(Interface segregation principle)
(Interface segregation principle)
(Interface segregation principle)
(Dependency invertion principle)
(Dependency invertion principle)
(ex Heckle)
We need a sales report
We need a sales report...
Can we have a date range there
We need a sales report...
Can we have a date range there...
We also need COGS to be present
We need a sales report...
Can we have a date range there...
We also need COGS to be present...
Can we exclude fraud/non-verified customers
We need a sales report...
Can we have a date range there...
We also need COGS to be present...
Can we exclude fraud/non-verified customers...
Is there are a way to see sales from new and returning customers?
We need a sales report...
Can we have a date range there...
We also need COGS to be present...
Can we exclude fraud/non-verified customers...
Is there are a way to see sales from new and returning customers?
Can we also have sales for shipped orders?
We need a sales report...
Can we have a date range there...
We also need COGS to be present...
Can we exclude fraud/non-verified customers...
Is there are a way to see sales from new and returning customers?
Can we also have sales for shipped orders?