Jacopo Perego, Sevgi Yuksel
Firms and agents interact over 3 consecutive stages:
Firms choose editorial strategies \((b_n)_{n=1}^N\)
Agents' types \(\theta_i\) revealed
Agents acquire information, pay price \(p_n(\theta_i)\), privately observe signal \( s_i (\omega, b_n) = \omega \cdot b_n + \epsilon_i \), \( \epsilon_i \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 1)\)
Approve/disapprove policy;
payoff: \(u(\omega, \theta_i) = \omega \cdot \theta_i\) or 0
\(\theta_i = (\theta_{i, 0}, \theta_{i, 1}, \theta_{i, 2}) \)
\( \theta_{i, 0} = 1, \; \theta_{i, 1}^2 + \theta_{i, 2}^2 = 1 \)
\( b_n = (b_{n, 0}, b_{n, 1}, b_{n, 2})\)
\(\lVert b_n \rVert \leq 1 \) for \(k \in \{0, 1, 2\}\)
Firms observe each other's strategies and agents' types
Firms set prices \(p_n(\theta_i)\)
Recall that an agent faces two choices:
When would the agent approve the policy, given the signal she obtained?
Recall that an agent faces two choices:
Information has instrumental value!
Lemma 2. Value of Information is defined as
\[ v(b_n | \theta_i) = \frac{\lvert \theta_i \cdot b_n \rvert }{I\sqrt{2\pi (1 + \lVert b_n \rVert^2 )}} \]
- difference between agent's expected equilibrium payoff associated with observing a signal from a firm \(n\) and the one associated with observing no signal at all
At equilibrium, agent \(i\) has
For type \(\theta_i\), given \( (b_n, p_n(\theta_i))_{n=1}^N \), agent will choose firm \(n\) such that
\[ v(b_n|\theta_i) - p_n(\theta_i) \geq v(b_m|\theta_i) - p_m(\theta_i) \;\; \forall m \in [N] \]
Recall that a firm faces two choices:
Recall that a firm faces two choices:
What we know so far: agents will choose the firms with the highest value of information net price
\(\to\) What kind of prices will prevail in equilibrium?
\[\implies p_1(\theta_i) < v(b_1|\theta_i) - v(b_2 | \theta_i) \]
Firms choose \( b_n = (b_{n, 0}, b_{n, 1}, b_{n, 2})\) given constraint \(\lVert b_n \rVert \leq 1 \) for \(k \in \{0, 1, 2\}\)
Agent \(i\)'s type \(\theta_i = (\theta_{i, 0}, \theta_{i, 1}, \theta_{i, 2}) \) with \( \theta_{i, 0} = 1, \; \theta_{i, 1}^2 + \theta_{i, 2}^2 = 1 \)
We can transform any type \(\theta_i\) uniquely to \(\theta_i = (1, \cos(t_i), \sin(t_i) )\), where \( t_i \in T = [-\pi, \pi]\)
We can transform all \(b_n\) such that \(\lVert b_n \rVert = 1\) to \( b_n = (\sqrt{x_n}, \sqrt{1 - x_n} \cos(t_n), \sqrt{1-x_n} \sin(t_n) ) \) with unique pair \( (x_n, t_n) \in [0, 1] \times T \)
Where would a maximally generalist firm locate at?
\(b_n = (1, 0, 0)\)
Lemma 2. Value of Information is defined as
\[ v(b_n | \theta_i) = \frac{\lvert \theta_i \cdot b_n \rvert }{I\sqrt{2\pi (1 + \lVert b_n \rVert^2 )}} \]
This can be rewritten as
Recall: \( \theta_i = (1, \cos(t_i), \sin(t_i))\)
\( b_n = (\sqrt{x_n}, \sqrt{1-x_n}\cos(t_n), \\\sqrt{1-x_n}\sin(t_n)) \)
Interpretation: value of information is the sum of two terms
Eq.2 Value of Information is defined as
\[ v(b_n | \theta_i) = \frac{1}{2I\sqrt{\pi}}\cdot \left| \sqrt{x_n} + \sqrt{1-x_n} \cos(t_i-t_n) \right| \]
This clarifies the tradeoff when choosing editorial strategies:
target type \(t_n = 0\)
\[ v(b_n | \theta_i) = \frac{1}{2I\sqrt{\pi}}\cdot \left| \sqrt{x_n} + \sqrt{1-x_n} \cos(t_i-t_n) \right| \]
Firm \(n\)'s first-best editorial strategy for an agent of type \(t_i\):
First-best value: \( \bar{\mathcal{V}} = v((\frac{1}{2}, t_i )| t_i) \)
In equilibrium,
i.e. has more firms
Firms specialize by providing relatively less information on the valence component and relatively more information on the ideological components
Theorem 2: In equilibrium, firm's expected readership is an arc of length \(2\pi/N\) centered around firm's target type \(t_n\)
As the number of firms \(N\) increases, expected readership \(2\pi/N\) decreases.
Decreased readership is more ideologically homogeneous.
\(\to\) Firms specialize (\(x_n\) decreases)
\[ \mathcal{U}(N) = \mathcal{V}(N) + \mathcal{G}(N) - \mathcal{P}(N)\]
\[ \mathcal{U}(N) = \mathcal{V}(N) + \mathcal{G}(N) - \mathcal{P}(N)\]
As competition increases, \(\mathcal{V}(N)\) increases as it's more specific to agent's taste.
Social disagreement \(\to\) \(\mathcal{G}(N)\) decreases
When the society is large enough, \(\mathcal{V}(N)+\mathcal{G}(N)\) decreases.
Thank you for listening!
Recall that an agent faces two choices:
Equilibrium behavior:
Define \(A_{-i}(\omega, \theta_{-i}) \) to be the approval rate excluding type \(\theta_i\).
Expected utility if \(\theta_i\) does not receive any information:
Since \( \omega_k \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 1)\), \(\mathbb{E}_\omega [u(\omega, \theta_i)] = 0\); original equation becomes
Expected utility when \(\theta_i\) observes signal induced by \(b_n\):
by the law of iterated expectations,
Recall: \( u(\omega, \theta_i) =\omega\cdot\theta_i \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \lVert \theta_i \rVert ^2 )\)
\( s_i(\omega,b_n) = b_n \cdot \omega + \epsilon_i \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 1 + \lVert b_n \rVert ^2) \)
\(\to\) this part cancels out with the first part