Set your CodeSpace

Get Started with Git


  • Ready your engineering tools
  • Opening projects in Sublime 
  • Completing coding challenges
  • Helpful resources
  • Prepare to make commit

By the end of this module:

Before continuing:

You should have completed:

  • Module - Get Started wit git
  • Download/install - Sublime Text 3
  • Download/install - Google Chrome


What we've done so far:

  • Complete basics on using the CLi
  • Setup our Github accounts and Git CLi
  • `Fork` and `clone` a Github repo
  • `open .` To view the cloned project in our finder/explorer

Let's Git Started

Make viewable on your desktop:

  • A Sublime Text 3 instance
  • A file browser (finder/explorer)
  • Your project directory

Open a project 

Open a project in Sublime:

  1. Select the project folder in the file browser
  2. Drag the folder to your Sublime instance
  3. Locate the `index.html` file

Run the project

Open the index.html in the browser:

  1. From the project folder in your file browser
  2. Try double clicking on the `index.html` file
  3. If clicking doesn't work, drag the `index.html` to an open Chrome window

Let's Code!!!

  1. Open the Chrome developer console
  2. In Sublime, open `rawstings.js`
  3. Write in a `console.log` statement on line 14 and save `cmd + s`
  4. Go back to Chrome and refresh the browser `cmd + r`

Passing tests

  • The key here is to _FAIL_. A LOT; code/save/test, code/save/test, recurse!
  • The more times you do this the quicker you will learn, the quicker you will pass tests  
  • When you have your first test passing it's time to `commit` (next module)


Google the error message in your console


  • Google

  • Stack Overflow (community)


  • w3schools

  • Slack (community)


Have open/ready when coding

  • Command line interface
  • Chrome browser with Developer Tools open
  • Sublime instance with your project
  • Slack group/channel

Before Moving On

  • Complete all previous modules
  • Get your first test passing
  • Register with the Telegraph Prep group on Slack

Get started with git

Next Module:

`$ git commit`
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