Get Started with Git


  • `Fork` a repository 
  • `Clone` it to your computer 
  • `cd` into the cloned repo
  • `open .` to view in your finder/explorer

Before continuing:

 You should have:
  • Viewed video and slides on the CLi
  • Setup your github account
  • Completed ALL todo's from previous module

Let's Git Started

1. Open your CLi and navigate to your Coding directory (or wherever you will keep your code)

2. Open a Chrome broswer to and navigate to:     -

Fork the repo

1. Click the `Fork` button in the top right corner (you will only do this once)

2. When the dialog box opens click on your profile pic

3. From your `forked` repo, copy the URL ex:[YOUR USERNAME]/Spec_runner

(Make sure to `Star` forked repos) 

Clone the repo

1. At the CLi prompt from your coding directory: 

bash-3.2$ git clone[YOUR USERNAME]/Spec_runner

3. Open the folder on your desktop:

bash-3.2$ open .

2. `cd` into your newly cloned project:

bash-3.2$ cd Spec_runner

Before Moving On

  • `Fork` the Spec_runner repository
  • `$ git clone [...Spec_runner]`
  • `cd` into the Spec_runner directory 
  • `open .` at the CLi to open the project folder

For the next module

  • Download/install - Google Chrome browser
  • Download/install - Sublime Text 3

Get started with git

Next Module:

setting up your workspace
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