Flawless, Fabulous and Free

created by wosu17@gmail.com

Value Proposition

  • Provide Tailored Trendy attires to young women with disability within the ages of 18 to 30.
  • Help disabled women embrace their inner beauty despite their physical disability

Provide Tailored Trendy attires to young women with disability within the ages of 18 to 30.

Help disabled women embrace their inner beauty despite their physical disability

Customer Relationships

  • Since not all customers will be able to fit pre-made merchandise from previous customers we will have to go back and tailor items to their liking.
  • 24 Hour Mobile Customer Service

Since not all customers will be able to fit pre-made merchandise from previous customers we will have to go back and tailor items to their liking.

24 Hour Mobile Customer Service

Customer Segments

  • Market Segment for Customers is Niche because we are catering to physically disabled women only between the ages of 18-30

Market Segment for Customers is Niche because we are catering to physically disabled women only between the ages of 18-30

Key Activities

  • Trendy Tailoring
  • Customized Designs by Flawless Fashion Designers

Trendy Tailoring

Customized Designs by Flawless Fashion Designers

Key Partners

  • Local High School/Colleges
  • Baltimore Fashion Style
  • University of Baltimore Student Center
  • Kennedy Kruger

Local High School/Colleges

Baltimore Fashion Style

University of Baltimore Student Center

Kennedy Kruger

Key Resources

  • Community of Disabled Fashion Designers
  • Community for Physically Disabled in Baltimore
  • Sewing Machinery
  • Building for Clothing Storage
  • Buildings for Store Locations

Community of Disabled Fashion Designers

Community for Physically Disabled in Baltimore

Sewing Machinery

Building for Clothing Storage

Buildings for Store Locations


  • Store Fronts
  • Trendy Tailoring at Stores
  • Customized Designs by Flawless Fashion Designers

Store Fronts

Trendy Tailoring at Stores

Customized Designs by Flawless Fashion Designers

Cost Structure

  • Labor/ Management
  • Fabric / Materials
  • Store Rent
  • Sewing Machines
  • Store Supplies
  • Advertisment

Labor/ Management

Tailors, Workers, Computer Specialists, Designers

Fabric / Materials

Store Rent

Sewing Machines

Store Supplies


Advertisement would be done through Baltimore Sun ( Newspaper), 92.3 (Baltimore Radio Station) and WMAR (Abc news Station).

Revenue Streams

  • Personal Savings
  • Venture Capitalism

Personal Savings

Venture Capitalism

Through Private Equity

Brainstorming Space

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