Spanning Tree:
A subgraph T of a undirected graph G = (V,E) is a spanning tree of G if it is a tree and contains every vertex of G.
Given a connected graph, find a spanning tree of minimum weight
The idea is to start with an empty graph and try to add edges one at a time, always making sure that what is built remains acyclic.
And if we are sure every time the resulting graph always is a subset of some minimum spanning tree, we are done.
Start by picking any vertex to be the root of the tree.
While the tree does not contain all vertices in the graph find shortest edge leaving the tree and add it to the tree .
Step 0: Choose any element r; set S = {r} and S = . .Take r as the root of our spanning tree.)
Step 1: Find a lightest edge such that one endpoint is in S and the other is in V \ S . Add this edge to A and its (other) endpoint to S.
Step 2: If V \ S = , then stop & output (minimum) spanning tree (S, A), otherwise go to Step 1
Start with a graph T = (V,) consisting of only the vertices of G and no edges. This can be viewed as n connected components, each vertex being one connected component.
Arrange E in the order of increasing costs
for (i = 1, in - 1, i + +)
{ Select the next smallest cost edge;
if (the edge connects two different connected components)
add the edge to T;
Find the maximum flow that can be sent through the arcs of the network from some specified node called the source, to a second specified node called the sink
Step 1: Choose one possible route between S & T and identify the edge with the smallest capacity
Record the smallest capacity.
Subtract this number from each capacity value on that path.
This is the updated capacity for each arc.
Step 2: Choose another route and repeat step 1, recording the smallest capacity again.
Subtracting and updating
Step 3: Choose another route and repeat step 1 until all routes have been exhausted.
Step 4: Add all the capacities that were recorded in each step.
11 is the maximum flow of the network between S & T.
Node label:
( Pf , ± i) : {Pf = Potential ± flow at node i
{i= node
Arc label:
( f ,CAP) : {f = Actual flow through arc. {CAP=Capacity through arc
s-t Cut: is defined w.r.t. two distinguished nodes s and t and is a cut [S, Š] satisfying the property that s ∈ S and t ∈ Š.
A cut is a set of arcs which when deleted from the network, disconnects the source completely from the sink
Capacity of a cut
Min Cut
Theorem: The maximum value of the flow from a source node s to a sink node t in a capacitated network equals the minimum capacity among all the s-t cuts.
Product Distribution System
Supply Chain Management
Maximum flow of orders through a job shop