Shreyas Gupta
Progress Update
The SaaS industry is a mess with around 350+ services available for project management, with more being added every day [1]. With such saturation, the industry has shifted to catering more granular needs and requirements of users, increasing the tool stack on modern team, especially those who are collaborating remotely.
Based on feedback from professor, literature review, and having worked in multiple teams, I found managing my personal work and the organisational platform stack, and collaboration very complicated. I decided to dive deep and investigate the problems curtailing existing SaaS products, understand management practices and problems in modern teams of various scales.
Specifically explore two areas
Decided to study two primary cohorts
This was done through remote interviews which were recorded and later analysed. 5 participants have been interviewed so far, with 3 more participants yet to be interviewed.
P1 - "My major issue was that people wouldn't respond on slack or any chat platform, mostly because of their complex notification management system",
"The platform plugins work but I didn't have time to explore how it works", "People had to be reminded to update their knowledge base (google drive), would've been appreciated if there was a easier method",
"Using an existing platform which is a little uncomfortable is better than using a new platform which you need to learn"
P2 - "We didn't have proper hierarchies for reporting work and communicating. We were successful later on but it was hard to establish"
"Whiteboarding and taking photos, along with google sheets was our stack, someone would convert it into an excel sheet and say this is the plan"
P3 - "When sharing links about documents, references with the team, the platform doesn't organise it well to go back and contextually understand what the link is"
P4 - "As we had little idea on how to do things, we tried out many ways to manage the project but none of them worked well. We also didn't have much guidance from seniors"
24 years
19 years
Getz Donald. 1997. Event Management & Event Tourism. New York. Cognizant Communication Corporation
Smith Emma, The key to successful event planning: A case study of identifying the most appropriate model of event planning, 2017,
Brian Faust, Why we are building yet another task management platform,
Studies of Task Management Towards the Design of a Personal Task List Manager,