React Native Meetup

Hosted by       GeekyAnts


Sanket Sahu

  • Co-author of NativeBase
  • Highly active in Facebook's RN Community Group

Himanshu Satija

  • Co-author of NativeBase
  • JavaScript enthusiast

Sankhadeep Roy (Sankho)

  • Co-author of NativeBase
  • Native UI rockstar

Let's get to know each other!

What is React Native to you?

What have we built with RN?

The journey

All our RN apps are built upon the same base, react-native-native-base-seed

What are some of the notable RN projects out there?


Facebook Ads Manger

Facebook Groups




Discovery VR




What have you built with RN?

What problems did we/you face?

Building the UI 

Had to write small components over and over again for each project, the reason we built NativeBase


State management

  • React Native probably didn't predict the use of state management
  • We tried Flux, Reflux, Redux and what not! Finally, settled for Redux (mostly) and MobX (at times)


What & Why

  • Management of the state of one or more user interface controls such as text fields, OK buttons, radio buttons, etc.
  • As the requirements for JavaScript single-page applications have become increasingly complicated, our code must manage more state than ever before

The Issue

Which IDE do you prefer? Do you lint?

We loved Sublime, we still do.

But Atom with Nuclide is a match made in heaven!

Do you follow a certain structure?

Been a struggle for us, which is why we are building a service based architecture on top of RN

How do you test your RN apps? Jest?

A little over an year with RN, and we have..

Exhibited at Web Summit 2016 

Sponsored React & RN San Diego meetup

Collaborated with few of the best known RN devs

Barton Hammond

Creator of Snowflake

Mike Grabowski

RNPM author, RN core contributor,

and former Este.js team member

Gant Laborde

Tech lead, Infinite Red

If you're looking to get started with React Native + CodePush, and are looking for an awesome starter kit, you should check out Native Starter Pro" - Microsoft

Devin Abbott

Co-founder of Deco Software

Thank you for attending!

We'll upload a summary and streaming of the meetup on the event page. :)

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