Author: Steve Venzerul
"meta": { "account": "municio", "event": "track" },
"payload": {
"id_str": "1091482500479000001",
"id": 1091482500479000001,
"connection_id": 2,
"connection_id_str": "2",
"asset": "354676050291234",
"loc": [75.2351, -170.15524],
"index": 0,
"received_at": "2018-10-17T21:51:24Z",
"recorded_at": "2018-10-17T21:51:24Z",
"recorded_at_ms": "2018-10-17T21:51:25.274783Z",
"fields": {
"MDI_EXT_BATT_VOLTAGE": { "b64_value": "AAAyyQ==" },
"MDI_DTC_MIL": { "b64_value": "AQ==" }
"meta": { "account": "municio", "event": "track" },
"payload": {
"id_str": "1091482500479000000",
"id": 1091482500479000000,
"connection_id": 1,
"connection_id_str": "1",
"asset": "354676050291234",
"loc": [67.05185, -169.21836],
"index": 0,
"received_at": "2018-10-17T21:51:24Z",
"recorded_at": "2018-10-17T21:51:24Z",
"recorded_at_ms": "2018-10-17T21:51:24.274783Z",
"fields": {
"MDI_EXT_BATT_VOLTAGE": { "b64_value": "AAAw1A==" },
"MDI_DTC_MIL": { "b64_value": "AA==" }
"id_str": "1091482500479000001",
"id": 1091482500479000001
const results = JSON.parse(req.body.toString('utf8'));
[ { meta: { account: 'municio', event: 'track' },
{ id_str: '1091482500479000001',
id: 1091482500479000000,
connection_id: 2,
connection_id_str: '2',
asset: '354676050296432',
loc: [Array],
index: 0,
received_at: '2018-10-17T21:51:24Z',
recorded_at: '2018-10-17T21:51:24Z',
recorded_at_ms: '2018-10-17T21:51:25.274783Z',
fields: [Object] } } ]
// Input
"id_str": "1091482500479000001",
"id": 1091482500479000001,
// Output
id_str: '1091482500479000001',
id: 1091482500479000000, // <-- WAT???
// Max integer values
// Comparing with our id from before
> 9007199254740991 < 1091482500479000001
To check for the largest available value or smallest available value within +/-Infinity, you can use the constants Number.MAX_VALUE or Number.MIN_VALUE and starting with ECMAScript 2015, you are also able to check if a number is in the double-precision floating-point number range using Number.isSafeInteger() as well as Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER and Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER. Beyond this range, integers in JavaScript are not safe anymore and will be a double-precision floating point approximation of the value.
approximation of the value.
We've all seen this:
> 0.1 + 0.2 === 0.3
// WAT??!?!?1!!111
But what about this:
> JSON.parse('9999999999999999999')
And more subtly:
> JSON.parse('1091482500479000001')
1091482500479000000 // Do you see it?
"id_str": "1091482500479000001",
"id": 1091482500479000001
Maybe... Sort of...
Node-Redis docs
Knex docs
Node MySQL docs
Twitter API docs
Twitter has a whole page just about dealing with large ids:
The BigInt type is a new numeric primitive in JavaScript that can represent integers with arbitrary precision. With BigInts, you can safely store and operate on large integers even beyond the safe integer limit for Numbers. A BigInt is created by appending n to the end of the integer or by calling the constructor.
// Things like our id from before.
> const num = BigInt('9999999999999991234');
> num
// YES!
// Native notation
> let x = 2n ** 53n;
> x
// Double YES!!
> let y = 100;
> y * 10000000n
TypeError: Cannot mix BigInt and other types, use explicit conversions
// Oh oh...
> y = 100n;
> y * 100n
// Got it.
// Works as well: BigInt('100') * BigInt('100') === 10000n;
> JSON.stringify(1091482500479000001n)
//TypeError: Do not know how to serialize a BigInt
// at JSON.stringify (<anonymous>)
> JSON.parse('1091482500479000000n')
//SyntaxError: Unexpected token n in JSON at position 19
> JSON.parse('{"id": 1091482500479000000n}')
//SyntaxError: Unexpected token n in JSON at position 26
// Eval
// Bad, also can't be done if you don't control the input data.
> c = JSON.parse('{ "id": "BigInt(\'1091482500479000000\')" }')
{ id: 'BigInt(\'1091482500479000000\')' }
> eval(
// Bad-ish
// JSON reviver function.
// Will work, somewhat, but falls on it's face if you don't know in advance which
// keys are going to be large ints.
> let payload = '{ "id_str": "1091482500479000000" }';
> c = JSON.parse(payload, (key, val) => key === 'id_str' ? BigInt(val) : val)
{ id_str: 1091482500479000000n }
// Insane
// Modify V8s source to support parse/stringify, compile Node v10 with your
// modified version and run that in production.
// This is totally doable, and yet, thinking about it made me ask
// myself if I was smoking crack for lunch.
We could, for example, replace the bignumber.js library that JSON-BigInt uses by simply parsing using BigInt and let users know the lib only supports Node v10 and up and reminding them to use the --harmony-bigint flag to turn on support.
Looking at the relevant snippet from the lib:
number = +string;
if (!isFinite(number)) {
error("Bad number");
} else {
if (BigNumber == null)
BigNumber = require('bignumber.js');
//if (number > 9007199254740992 || number < -9007199254740992)
// Bignumber has stricter check: everything with length > 15 digits disallowed
if (string.length > 15)
return (_options.storeAsString === true) ? string : new BigNumber(string);
return number;
We can see this should be quite easy.
In the land of ambitious, these guys rule supreme. The goal of this lib is to be even faster than the native JSON implementation in V8. Not kidding. And they have numbers and everything:
Basically the same idea as with JSON-BigInt, simply swap the number parsing implementation with something that correctly parses/stringify-ies BigInts instead.
I wanted to show the relevant portion in their code as well, but uh, it's an entire file just for parsing numbers... And since they have multiple implementations depending on the SIMD instruction set available, it's hard to show any one snippet. Here's a taste:
// parse the number at buf + offset
// define JSON_TEST_NUMBERS for unit testing
// It is assumed that the number is followed by a structural ({,},],[) character
// or a white space character. If that is not the case (e.g., when the JSON document
// is made of a single number), then it is necessary to copy the content and append
// a space before calling this function.
static really_inline bool parse_number(const uint8_t *const buf,
ParsedJson &pj,
const uint32_t offset,
bool found_minus) {
#ifdef SIMDJSON_SKIPNUMBERPARSING // for performance analysis, it is sometimes useful to skip parsing
pj.write_tape_s64(0); // always write zero
return true; // always succeeds
const char *p = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(buf + offset);
bool negative = false;
if (found_minus) {
negative = true;
if (!is_integer(*p)) { // a negative sign must be followed by an integer
#ifdef JSON_TEST_NUMBERS // for unit testing
foundInvalidNumber(buf + offset);
return false;
const char *const startdigits = p;
uint64_t i; // an unsigned int avoids signed overflows (which are bad)
if (*p == '0') { // 0 cannot be followed by an integer
if (is_not_structural_or_whitespace_or_exponent_or_decimal(*p)) {
#ifdef JSON_TEST_NUMBERS // for unit testing
foundInvalidNumber(buf + offset);
return false;
i = 0;
} else {
if (!(is_integer(*p))) { // must start with an integer
#ifdef JSON_TEST_NUMBERS // for unit testing
foundInvalidNumber(buf + offset);
return false;
unsigned char digit = *p - '0';
i = digit;
// the is_made_of_eight_digits_fast routine is unlikely to help here because
// we rarely see large integer parts like 123456789
while (is_integer(*p)) {
digit = *p - '0';
i = 10 * i + digit; // might overflow
int64_t exponent = 0;
bool is_float = false;
if ('.' == *p) {
is_float = true;
const char *const firstafterperiod = p;
if(is_integer(*p)) {
unsigned char digit = *p - '0';
i = i * 10 + digit;
} else {
#ifdef JSON_TEST_NUMBERS // for unit testing
foundInvalidNumber(buf + offset);
return false;
// this helps if we have lots of decimals!
// this turns out to be frequent enough.
if (is_made_of_eight_digits_fast(p)) {
i = i * 100000000 + parse_eight_digits_unrolled(p);
p += 8;
while (is_integer(*p)) {
unsigned char digit = *p - '0';
i = i * 10 + digit; // in rare cases, this will overflow, but that's ok because we have parse_highprecision_float later.
exponent = firstafterperiod - p;
int digitcount = p - startdigits - 1;
int64_t expnumber = 0; // exponential part
if (('e' == *p) || ('E' == *p)) {
is_float = true;
bool negexp = false;
if ('-' == *p) {
negexp = true;
} else if ('+' == *p) {
if (!is_integer(*p)) {
#ifdef JSON_TEST_NUMBERS // for unit testing
foundInvalidNumber(buf + offset);
return false;
unsigned char digit = *p - '0';
expnumber = digit;
if (is_integer(*p)) {
digit = *p - '0';
expnumber = 10 * expnumber + digit;
if (is_integer(*p)) {
digit = *p - '0';
expnumber = 10 * expnumber + digit;
if (is_integer(*p)) {
// we refuse to parse this
#ifdef JSON_TEST_NUMBERS // for unit testing
foundInvalidNumber(buf + offset);
return false;
exponent += (negexp ? -expnumber : expnumber);
if (is_float) {
if (unlikely(digitcount >= 19)) { // this is uncommon!!!
// this is almost never going to get called!!!
// we start anew, going slowly!!!
return parse_float(buf, pj, offset,
// We want 0.1e1 to be a float.
if (i == 0) {
#ifdef JSON_TEST_NUMBERS // for unit testing
foundFloat(0.0, buf + offset);
} else {
double d = i;
d = negative ? -d : d;
uint64_t powerindex = 308 + exponent;
if(likely(powerindex <= 2 * 308)) {
// common case
d *= power_of_ten[powerindex];
} else {
// this is uncommon so let us move this special case out
// of the main loop
return parse_float(buf, pj, offset,found_minus);
#ifdef JSON_TEST_NUMBERS // for unit testing
foundFloat(d, buf + offset);
} else {
if (unlikely(digitcount >= 18)) { // this is uncommon!!!
return parse_large_integer(buf, pj, offset,
i = negative ? 0-i : i;
#ifdef JSON_TEST_NUMBERS // for unit testing
foundInteger(i, buf + offset);
return is_structural_or_whitespace(*p);
I totally chickened out and used JSON-BigInt while swapping out their bignumber.js for native BigInts.
I could quote you various benchmarks, time constraints, pragmatism, getting-shit-done sloggans and other nonsense, but the truth is that if you want the absolute best performance you can get, you're gonna have to get a little dirty. In this round, what I did above worked well enough for my purposes.
So now that we have our parsing and stringify and we can move BigInts around our application, we still have a couple problems remaining.
How do you push those values to external DBs, APIs and the like without confusing them with values they can't parse either?
Remember all those fetchAsString, supportBigNumbers, returnStrings flags we saw in the docs of popular libraries and services?
Somehow, this turned out to be the easiest part of the this whole journey.
As long as the lib knows what the service (pg, redis) expects, they have methods of converting or providing the correct information to the service.
In Postgres's case, a nice ::bigint cast is enough, and in Redis, well, node_redis has an option to return all strings as Buffers which bypasses the issues (this is a whole other talk).