Simone Scardapane - Rome ML & Data Science Meetup
Your challenge is to build a model which will make it easier and more efficient to identify what really is fake news and what is not (+ everything in between). You model should be able to determine a level of credibility, content authenticity, and limit the viral spread of fake content, including fake images.
The dataset contains text and metadata from 244 websites [...] Each website was labeled according to the BS Detector [...] There are (ostensibly) no genuine, reliable, or trustworthy news sources represented in this dataset (so far), so don't trust anything you read.
Stance Detection involves estimating the relative perspective (or stance) of two pieces of text relative to a topic, claim or issue. [...] we have chosen the task of estimating the stance of a body text from a news article relative to a headline. Specifically, the body text may agree, disagree, discuss or be unrelated to the headline.
Vector representations of words [TensorFlow]
Neural Networks, Types, and Functional Programming []
Your challenge is to build a model (from scratch or on top of an existing model) that is smart enough to recognize various emotions through voice or facial expressions.
Understanding convolutional neural networks for NLP []