Mosca is a node.js mqtt broker, which can be used: Standalone or Embedded in another Node.js application
Socket.IO "Aims to make realtime apps possible in every browser and mobile device, blurring the differences between the different transport mechanisms. It's care-free realtime 100% in JavaScript.
Johnny-five "Firmata based Arduino Framework"
Nodebots "NodeBots are robots that are controlled by node.js."
Node-serialport "Node.js package to access serial ports for reading and writing"
Duino "Arduino framework for node.js"
EventedArduino "Evented Arduino and Node.js"
Heimcontrol.js " Awesome home automation with Raspberry PI and Arduino using Node.js, MongoDB, HTML5 and Websockets"
Resin "Javascript ony our devices,as simple as'git push'" " is a cloud-platform to write embedded applications for your Raspberry Pi, in JavaScript''
JavaScript has a large and passionate community that I hope will show that same excitement and passion, bringing their skillset to the Internet of Things in ways nobody will see coming.
Nicolas elmir
Simon Tadros