A minimal Debian-based operating systems that is optimized to run Docker.
RaspberryPi Raspberry Pi is a fully functional Linux computer.
Command line script to flash SD card images of any kind.
Docker Machine is a tool that lets you install Docker Engine on virtual hosts, and manage the hosts with docker-machine commands.
WHY docker
>200,000 pulls
>7,500 github stars
>200 significant contributors
>200 projects built on top of docker
UIs, mini-PaaS, Remote Desktop...
1000’s of Dockerized applications
Memcached, Redis, Node.js, Hadoop...
Integration in Jenkins, Travis, Chef, Puppet, Vagrant and OpenStack
Meetups arranged around the world…
Containers vs VM
Simply put, containers provide OS-level process isolation whereas virtual machines offer isolation at the hardware abstraction layer (i.e., hardware virtualization).
why hypriot
minimal Debian-based operating system - most people know how to use Debian & Ubuntu based distros
optimized for Docker awesomeness - from optimized and tuned Linux kernel settings to the included fileystems everything is aligned to make Docker run very well
up-to-date Docker versions - often we are only mere seconds behind the officially published upstream versions
really easy to use - download, flash and boot - that’s all you need to get started
To control the Docker Swarm from our notebook, we have to install both dockerand docker-machine binaries. If you are on a Mac, you can use brew to install them.
brew install docker
brew install docker-machine
Flash all your SD cards
Now we can easily flash the latest HypriotOS image to the eight SD cards with our flash tool and assign different node names.
Flash --hostname swarm-dc1-pi01 hypriotos-rpi-v1.1.3.img.zip
Flash --hostname swarm-dc1-pi02 hypriotos-rpi-v1.1.3.img.zip
Flash --hostname swarm-dc1-pi03 hypriotos-rpi-v1.1.3.img.zip
The flash
$ docker run -ti resin/rpi-raspbian:jessie-20160831 /bin/bash
Use Cases
Make use of GPIO
FROM resin/rpi-raspbian:jessie-20160831
RUN apt-get -q update && \
apt-get -qy install \
python python-pip \
python-dev python-pip gcc make
RUN pip install rpi.gpio
$ docker build -t gpio-base
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
led_pin = 17
GPIO.setup(led_pin, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.output(led_pin, GPIO.HIGH)
GPIO.output(led_pin, GPIO.LOW)
FROM gpio-base:latest
ADD ./app.py ./app.py
CMD ["python", "app.py"]
$ docker build -t blink .
$ docker run -ti --privileged blink
function getip() { (traceroute $1 2>&1 | head -n 1 | cut -d\( -f 2 | cut -d\) -f 1) }
IP_ADDRESS=$(getip swarm-dc1-pi01.local)
#ssh-keygen -R $IP_ADDRESS
ssh-copy-id -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oCheckHostIP=no pirate@$IP_ADDRESS
ssh pirate@$IP_ADDRESS sudo sed -i \'s/ID=raspbian/ID=debian/g\' /etc/os-release
Prepare your Pi’s for docker-machine
We want to create the Docker Swarm with the standard docker-machine binary. To make this work we need to prepare the Raspberry Pi’s a little bit. The next steps are adding your SSH public key to all of your Pi’s as well as fixing the ID in /etc/os-release to debian
Save the following script into a bash script and run the script for all swarm member :
Create Swarm Token
A Docker Swarm cluster uses a unique Cluster ID to enable all swarm agents find each other. We need such a Cluster ID to build our Docker Swarm. This can be done in your shell with this command
export TOKEN=$(for i in $(seq 1 32);
do echo -n $(echo "obase=16; $(($RANDOM % 16))" | bc); done; echo)
We now create the Swarm Master on the first Raspberry Pi.
docker-machine create -d generic \
--engine-storage-driver=overlay --swarm --swarm-master \
--swarm-image hypriot/rpi-swarm:latest \
--swarm-discovery="token://$TOKEN" \
--generic-ip-address=$(getip swarm-dc1-pi01.local) \
--generic-ssh-user pirate \
Building the swarm using docker
ssh pirate@swarm-dc1-pi01.local
Sudo service docker start
Docker info
Docker swarm init
If the command is successful
docker swarm join \
SWMTKN-1-33i9udav8jwj6ruzsu2y8gspe8f7c97l3f5g3zfxdoaxorngkr-15puvftww2culnffd80ecj3ik \
ssh pirate@swarm-dc1-pi02.local
service docker start
docker info
docker swarm join \
SWMTKN-1-33i9udav8jwj6ruzsu2y8gspe8f7c97l3f5g3zfxdoaxorngkr-15puvftww2culnffd80ecj3ik \
ssh pirate@swarm-dc1-pi03.local
service docker start
docker info
docker swarm join \
SWMTKN-1-33i9udav8jwj6ruzsu2y8gspe8f7c97l3f5g3zfxdoaxorngkr-15puvftww2culnffd80ecj3ik \
docker node ls
Get Swarm Status
docker node promote NODENAME
Lets test the Swarm
## First Scenario
docker service create --name ping1 --replicas=2 alexellis2/arm-pingcurl ping google.com
Docker service ls
Docker service ps ping1
Docker ps
Docker log xxxxxx | tail -n 10
## Cleanup
docker service rm ping1
## Scenario 2 - the hello world webservice
docker service create --name hello1 --publish 3000:3000 --replicas=3 alexellis2/arm-alpinehello
docker service create --name hello1 --publish 3000:3000 --replicas=3 alexellisio/guid-generator
# Test
# curl -4 localhost:3000
# curl -4 localhost:3000
# curl -4 localhost:3000
# curl -4 localhost:3000
# Cleanup
docker service rm hello1
## Scenario 3 - inter-container communication
>>Thie scenario tests inter-container resolution and connectivity.
A redis database runs on only one node and on both nodes we run a hit
counter which will increment a number held in the redis database with each GET request.
>>Make sure you have at least 2 nodes in your swarm.
docker network ls
docker network create --driver overlay --subnet armnet
docker service create --replicas=1 --network=armnet --name redis alexellis2/redis-arm:v6
docker service ls
docker service ps redis
docker service create --name counter --replicas=2
--network=armnet --publish 3000:3000 alexellis2/arm_redis_counte
docker service ls
docker service ps counter
curl http://localhost:3000/incr/
ab -n 100 -c1 http://localhost:3000/incr/
docker run -d -p 9000:9000 -v "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock" portainer/portainer
Visualize Your Docker Swarm
There is many tools available i choose portainer
Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.
Lightweight: Kubernetes painlessly runs on a Raspberry Pi.
ARM compatible: Kubernetes is ARM compatible.
General purpose: Kubernetes uses a container runtime
(with Docker as the 100% supported runtime for the time being) that
allows to run whatever you want.
Production ready: Kubernetes itself is production ready,
Thank You