myObject = {
name: 'Jessica',
age: 31,
favAnimal: 'cat',
isAwesome: true,
var myHouse = {};
var myCar = new Object();
var myMotorcycle = {
wheels: 2,
color: "blue",
maxSpeed: 300,
owners: ["Sofia", "Rose"]
} = 6;
myHouse.address = "Jess Manor, Gotham City";
myCar["num-of-wheels"] = 4;
myCar["doors"] = 2;; //returns 6
myHouse.address; // returns "Jess Manor";
myCar["num-of-wheels"]; // returns 4;
var numDoors = "doors";
myCar[numDoors]; // returns 2;
for (var i in myHouse) {
if (myHouse.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
// The "hasOwnProperty method returns true
// if an object property has a certain key"
console.log(i + " = " + myHouse[i] + "\n");
var myHouse = {
doors: 2
var yourHouse = myHouse;
yourHouse.doors; // returns 2
myHouse.doors; // returns 2
yourHouse.doors = 4;
myHouse.doors; // returns 4
E-Commerce store
Reporting software analyzes the snow removal performance of each snow plow driver in the city.
A simulation predicts the behavior of the MBTA if ridership increases by 20%.
A user is required to watch video training sessions as part of a recertification process and answer questions about them.
A user on a cooking website enters the number of dinner guests, and the cooking website adjusts all the recipes accordingly.
A user who had reserved a Zipcar arrives to find it has not been returned yet, and customer service transfers her reservation to an available car.
A computer game allows the user to take the role of a unit commander or general at Gettysburg and simulates the battle based on his or her commands.
A user searches for her reservation on a hotel website, and changes the arrival date and room type.
var Person = function () {};
Creating an Object with a constructor
Using the Object() syntax, we can create an instance of our Person object using the constructor
var clark = new Person();
var bruce = new Person();
When we instantiate an object that has a constructor function, the object with run whatever the constructor function dictates
var Superhero = function () {
console.log('Superhero instance created');
var clark = new Superhero();
// console logs "Superhero instance created"
var bruce = new Superhero();
// console logs "Superhero instance created"
Properties can be set in the constructor, so they are set specifically for each instance. This simply means that we pass them as parameters in our constructor function.
var Superhero = function (firstName, superheroName) {
// Important to understand here that the object
// properties firstName and superheroName
// are set through the this keyword with the
// value passed through the constructor function
this.firstName = firstName;
this.superheroName = superheroName;
console.log('Superhero instantiated');
var superman = new Superhero('Clark', 'Superman');
console.log(superman.firstNAme + ' is ' + superman.superheroName);
Superhero.prototype.identity = function() {
console.log(this.firstName + ' is ' +this.superheroName);
var superman = new Person('Clark', 'Superman');
Every object in JavaScript has a prototype, connected to the constructor that created it.
IF JS finds doSomthing() as a function on ourObject, it runs that function
If not, it looks to the master Object prototype to see if that function is attached to ALL objects
// Example 3
Person.prototype.setAge = function (newAge) {
if (newAge < 0) {
console.error("A person cannot be negative years old!");
else if (newAge > 150) {
console.error("People do not generally live to the age of 150");
else {
this.age = newAge;
Person.prototype.getAge = function () {
return this.age;
Open the monkey.js file in the starter code.
Work with a partner to create a monkey object, which has the following properties: name, species, foodsEaten
And the following methods:
Create 3 monkeys total. Make sure all 3 monkeys have all properties set and methods defined.
Exercise your monkeys by retrieving their properties and using their methods. Practice using both syntaxes for retrieving properties (dot notation and brackets).
JSON text-based data format that's based on JavaScript
Because it's text, and it looks like JavaScript, JSON is simultaneously both easy for humans to read and write AND easy for programs to parse and generate.
{"widget": {
"debug": "on",
"window": {
"title": "Sample Konfabulator Widget",
"name": "main_window",
"width": 500,
"height": 500
"image": {
"src": "Images/Sun.png",
"name": "sun1",
"hOffset": 250,
"vOffset": 250,
"alignment": "center"
"text": {
"data": "Click Here",
"size": 36,
"style": "bold",
"name": "text1",
"hOffset": 250,
"vOffset": 100,
"alignment": "center",
"onMouseUp": "sun1.opacity = (sun1.opacity / 100) * 90;"
We use JSON objects to transfer data between applications and Javascript.
To keep everything consistent, all JSON code must follow a number of strict conventions :
Work individually or with a partner and follow instructions in the app.js file in the starter code for this week's lesson.
Objects not only give us more superpowers for storing and manipulating our data, they help us better structure our code. JSON will also be an important structure from this point on. All of the data we'll be working with from APIs will be in the form of JSON.
Converting JSON