Welcome to JavaScript

Jessica Bell

Lesson 0

  • Who am I
  • Who Are You
  • Class Learning Objectives
  • Web Development
  • Set Up (Slack, GitHub, Sublime)
  • Thinking Like a Programmer
  • PseudoCode Exercise 

Jessica Bell

Developer: The Washington Post

Producer: DC Tech Stories

GA FEWD Graduate


Who Are You?

Class Title Class Title
Lesson 0 Installfest Lesson 11 Advanced APIs
Lesson 1 JS on the Command Line Lesson 12 Lab Time
Lesson 2 Data Types Project 2 Feedr - A Feed Reader
Lesson 3 Conditionals and Loops Lesson 13 Prototypal Inheritance
Lesson 4 Functions and Scope Lesson 14 Closures and This
Lesson 5 Project 1 Lab: Slackbot Lesson 15 Intro to Crud and Firebase
Lesson 6 Objects and JSON Lesson 16 Deploying Your App
Lesson 7 Intro to DOM & jQuery Lesson 17 Instructor Student Choice
Lesson 8 DOM & jQuery Continued Lesson 18 Lab Time
Lesson 9 AJAX and APIs Project 3 Your Single Page App
Lesson 10 Asynchronous JS and Callbacks Lesson 19 Final Project Presentations

Lets Go!

Web Development

The Fundamentals

What is the Internet?

 The Internet is a massive network of networks that connects millions of computers together globally. Information that travels over the Internet via a variety of languages known as protocols.

World Wide Web

Client/Server Model

Domain, Hosting, DNS

  • Domain/URL: www.kittens.com
  • Hosting: Server which domain points to
  • IP Address:

Back vs Front end




What Can We Do With JavaScript

React to Events

Access Content

Modify Content

Program Rules

JavaScript runs in the Browser

Or the Console!

Work Point

  • Set Up Slack
  • Set Up GitHub
  • Install Sublime Text
  • Install Node

Thinking Like A Programmer

Peanut Butter & Jelly

Pseudo Code Exercise 

Write a "program" that when a button is pressed, a light changes to that color

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