Automatic animations between code
Dr. Srijith Rajamohan
Corpus label | Classifier label | Error type | Recourse |
Incorrect | Correct | Type a | Identified by ring - relabel |
Correct | Incorrect | Type b | Identified by ring - no correction |
Incorrect | Incorrect | Outgroup | Identified by group/entity color mismatch and location - relabel if needed |
The classifier prediction correctly identifies the true label - incorrect document label
Classifier output is incorrect but matches corpus label, however, the location identifies the incorrect document label
Weights correspond to the inferred importance of the words for the classifier
if points i,j are close (defined by k nearest neighbors)
if points i,j are not close
The heavy tails of the Student-t kernel allow you to transform the small inter-point distances in high-d to points farther apart in low-d (good separation)
1. PCA
2. MDS
3. Isomap
4. t-SNE
Part II - Graph Analytics on Social Networks
Mapping Right-wing Extremism
Network Visualization
First degree network
Second degree networks: Incremental visualization of large networks
Network Visualization
Exploratory analysis: Identifying general trends in network relationships
Graph Visualization - Top 100
Read 1 million txt files of friends and followers info across 24 folders
Generate edges and extract metrics
Exploratory analysis and visualizations
Incremental visualization of network in graphtools
Compute Pagerank and centrality measures for all nodes
Interactive filtering of Pagerank results in Pyspark shell
Visualization of the subgraph generated
Tweet evaluation
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