Design Patterns

Bilel Msekni

Who am I ?

Bilel Msekni

Tech Lead & Frontend Expert

"A general, reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem"

- Wikipedia

Singleton Pattern



Create a class responsible for instanciating and returning the instance on subsequent calls.


How can we guarantee that one and only one

instance of a class can be created?

Singleton Pattern


public sealed class Singleton {

 private static readonly Singleton instance = new Singleton();

 private Singleton() {}

 public static Singleton Instance => instance

private static readonly object padlock = new object();

public static Singleton Instance {
 get {
  if (instance == null) {
   lock(padlock) {
    if (instance == null) instance = new Singleton();
  return instance;

The good...

  • A class has only a single instance.
  • A global access point to that instance.
  • Initialized only when it’s requested for the first time.

And the bad

  • Violates the Single Responsibility Principle
  •  Special treatment in a multithreaded environment
  •  It may be difficult to unit test

Singleton Pattern


Facade Pattern



How can we access a large number of classes with a complex internal interaction in a simple but safe way?


Introduce a dedicated interface class that simplifies the view of the class collection

Facade Pattern







Facade Pattern


public class Facade {
 private Suppliers _suppliers;
 private Payment _payment;

 public Facade(Suppliers suppliers, Payment payment) {
  this._suppliers = suppliers;
  this._payment = payment;

 public void Purchase(string id, int quantity) {
  Command command = _suppliers.provision(id, quantity);
  Payment payment =;

class Client {
 public void Buy(Facade facade) {
  string id = GetElementId();
  int quantity = GetQuantity();
  facade.Purchase(id, quantity);
class Client {
 private Suppliers _suppliers;
 private Payment _payment;

 public Client(Suppliers suppliers, Payment payment) {
  this._suppliers = suppliers;
  this._payment = payment;
 public void Buy(Facade facade) {
  string id = GetElementId();
  int quantity = GetQuantity();
  Command command = _suppliers.provision(id, quantity);
  Payment payment =;

The Good...

  • Isolate the complexity of a subsystem

And the bad

  • Over time a facade can evolve into a God Object.

Facade Pattern


  • Use only what you need strategy
  • The full capability of the underlying APIs will often not be available

Mediator Pattern



How can we deal with two or more classes which sometimes interact, but can also be used separately?


Keep objects from referring to one another explicitly by puting each interaction between objects in a separate (Mediator) class.

Mediator Pattern


Mediator Pattern


Demo time

Mediator Pattern


The Good...

  •  Single Responsibility Principle

And the bad

Over time a mediator can evolve into a God Object.

  •  Open/Closed Principle
  •  Reduce coupling between various components

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